Search results

  1. J

    Fiber Clear and Sta-Rite PLD50

    I have recently started using Fiber Clear instead of DE in my filter and I am very pleased with the improved clarity of the water. However, we have an ongoing iron problem and have used metal Sequestrants to keep it somewhat under control. I notice on the Fiber Clear package that it warns...
  2. J

    Blue Christmas... Please help!!! (Long post)

    Some of you may know me from some of my previous postings about issues with iron. We have 4500 gallon indoor Endless Pool (which we are now calling the endless headache). We have a well and have had iron issues from the beginning (last August). I've read every metals post on this forum...
  3. J

    Pentair Sta-rite Pld filter

    We have just added a new Sta-rite PLD50 DE filter because the cartridge filter that came with our Endless Pool seemed undersized for our pool (over double the volume of a standard endless pool). We also have an iron problem with our well water, and sequestering agents say to backwash the filter...
  4. J

    Endless pool help?

    Hello all. This is my first post, but I've been reading and researching extensively on this site for the past week. We have a new Endless Pool which we purchased and had installed primarily for my husband, who has Parkinson's and other related movement disorders. It is indoors, in a sunroom...