Search results

  1. S

    Stage 1 - New pool shopping - Head spinning

    So we've decided to go ahead and replace our existing 18' above ground pool. We went out and got a couple quotes from local retailers. Where I was hoping to get some insight is on the quality of the pools and heaters. The prices are comparable, but of course each seller is telling us that...
  2. S

    Uneven AG pool

    Hey all.. I just wanted to see if anyone has had experience with a problem we're having with our AG pool. We just bought the home in Dec. and when we opened it we noticed that the ground has raised on one side. More specifically it appears that on of the posts has raised about 2-3 inches. As a...
  3. S

    Help!! SLAMing for 9 days and the CCs are going UP!

    We purchased our home in December and inherited this pool. I've had some help opening it and getting started with my TF100 test kit. My initial testing was pH 7.2 FC 0 CC 0 TA 160 CH 250 CYA 40 The next morning after adding bleach up to 7ppm I had pH 7.2 FC 3.5 CC 1 I was advised to SLAM...
  4. S

    Newbie pool owner and TFP member!

    Hey all, just wanted to say hello. I'm a new pool owner and also new to the site..we bought a house that had a pool. We weren't looking to have one, but here we are. I already have my test kit and speed stir and through the tutelage and help of my long time friend Smykowski, I already have...