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  1. W

    Tear in plastic bottom of Pentair Clean & Clear 200

    OK every time I buy a new filter within a month the plastic tears at the bottom of the filter. The top doesn't unless I turn the filter over the other way. Am I doing something wrong in installing the filter or the pvc center section that holds the filter? My pressure gauge seems find its...
  2. W

    Clorox Bleach

    Being in Texas, I'm having a tough time finding liquid bleach. Is Clorox an acceptable alternative to the shock granules bought at Leslies pool store? Also, using the shock packs from Leslies, does this increase the CYA levels? Thank you for your time and guidance.
  3. W

    Leslies PhosFree

    So when Leslies says the Phosphates are high over 100, should I use their PhosFree solutions they sell to lower it or what is recommended to lower Phosphates? Also what happens when Phosphates are high, does that induce algae? Thank you for your help.
  4. W

    Possible Spa Leak

    I'm worried I might have a spa leak. :pale: We've had some freezes here in North Texas and as a new pool owner I didn't open the intake on the spa slightly to keep the water flowing so I think maybe there is a cracked pipe but not sure. The spa fills up fine but when the pump is off it drains...
  5. W

    Pool Chemistry Questions and Direction

    Moved to a house 2 months ago that has a pool and am stocked about being a new pool owner. :whoot: Really appreciate your site as I've learned a ton already and ya'll are honest and have the consumers best interest in mind. :lovetfp: I think a lot of people (including me) new to pool...
  6. W

    Solar Eclipse AOP for Pools

    New to the TFP and have already gotten some very helpful information and research through the forums on the DelOzone units but have not found any details on the new one. It combines Ozone and Germicidal UV integrated in one simple and compact unit providing the benefits of both technologies plus...