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  1. B

    Pool store says Sodium Hydrogen is 3X stronger than Sodium Bicarbonate.

    Howdy friends! I get backup test results from the local pool store, Patio pools & Spa's of Tucson AZ. Maybe I shouldn't! They are recommending I use their product, Biogard "Balance pack 100" to raise my Total Alkalinity, but I use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. The representative said "Oh this is...
  2. B

    Pool closed for the month of July!

    It's summer here in Tucson - time to go somewhere cooler for a month, but unlike a pet, the pool has to stay home. I don't want to complicate my friend's life who is willing to care for our "pool pet" with daily maintenance and I'm looking for any shortcuts I can find. My plan is to have them...
  3. B

    What is this module?

    [attachment=0:30qsxwdv]Pool filter.jpg[/attachment:30qsxwdv] Hi, Yep, my first pool. I have some sort of inline module between my pool pump and my large egg shaped pool filter. Here is a picture of it - as you can see any information on the label faded long before I came along. This is a...