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  1. R

    How many drops of orthotolodine?

    I replaced my Taylor test kit drops with some other brand when I ran out. I can't remember how many drops to use of this particular kind. I think last summer the directions said 3 drops, but my ph color was so light I could barely see it, so I just started using 5 drops. Will this make a...
  2. R

    Initial shock to get CYA up- Is pool calculator correct?

    I just filled my 1800 gallon vinyl pool with city water. FC is 0 (of course). Pool calculator says to add 24 oz of dichlor to get CYA to 50, but that adding this much dichlor will raise FC to over 50! Is this correct/safe? (Small pool, but I want CYA on high side because so many kids come...
  3. R

    Is it possible to have stable FC with algae?

    Kids hadn't used pool in a couple weeks because of cold temps. (Wisconsin). During this time I didn't look at the whole pool when I'd take readings- just pushed the cover back enough to get water samples. I didn't suspect anything was wrong because pH had been stable and FC only dipped low...
  4. R

    Really high TA w stable pH

    I'm new to the forum and am so thankful for TFP! It has helped me immensely as this is my first summer caring for a pool. I'm dealing with a vinyl pool with about 1800 gallons of water. I've had the pool up for about a month, and am concerned because my TA is 210. My pH has been extremely...