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  1. K

    Proper Way To Blow Out Lines

    I am closing my pool. The pool store has in the past. I have all the slamming, decreased water levels, etc. all finished. Just want to make sure my lines are blown out properly. I have an inground with 1 skimmer, 2 returns and main drain. I have the cut off valve to main drain, etc at the...
  2. K

    After a couple of weeks....

    Three weeks ago, I thought my new pool was great. The water was clear, but I had no idea what any of the chemical numbers were. I bought a basic pH and Chlorine kit from WalMart and the pH was high and Chlorine wasn't even registering. So, I found this site. I read and reread articles in...
  3. K

    New Pool....Here are the numbers.

    Hello all, I had my new pool installed a couple of months ago. I have been reading this site for about a month. So, I am really learning some GREAT stuff. Anyway, I ordered the Taylor K-2006 test kit. I tested the water Friday. Here are the readings: TA 80 CYA Did not turn cloudy (0) Ca...