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  1. steveinaz

    Florida folks...costs?

    We're looking at making a move to Florida (Sarasota area) and wondering what your average 16 x 30 inground plaster pool runs?
  2. steveinaz

    New Polywood chairs...

    Finally received our polywood chairs, like them a lot. Comfortable and well built:
  3. steveinaz

    Dolphin hijinks...LOL

    This morning my Dolphin Saturn was on a tirade. First, it "high-centered" (for you 4WD folks) laterally on the top of my deep-end sitting bench. It balanced perfectly on it's belly and the seat edge. The tracks couldn't get any contact. I watched it struggle for about a minute, just to see if it...
  4. steveinaz

    Best quality "zero gravity" loungers?

    There seems to be dozens of zero gravity style loungers, do you know which ones (brands) are of better quality?
  5. steveinaz

    New Dolphin Saturn...debris falls out...Resolved.

    First run and I'm really pleased with its performance, BUT, when I pulled it out of the pool, most of the debris was dumping out of the bottom!?
  6. steveinaz

    Confused with discrepancy...

    The Taylor test kit table on acid demand calls for 11.92oz of Muratic, when 1 drop of acid demand agent is needed to get to desired pH. The pool calculator however, says 4.3oz for the same result; ie going from 8.0 to 7.8. That is quite a difference. Is this due to the calculator also accounting...
  7. steveinaz

    Big drop in TA, big spike in CH...I'm confused

    Numbers today, 53degree water. Pool is 1 year old. In ground, plaster/gunnite--apprx 13k gallon. Taylor test kit: FC=7 pH=7.4 TA=50ppm (last year it was 130ppm) CYA=70ppm CH=825ppm!!! (last year was 325ppm) SA=3800ppm My kit shows 3/2019 exp dates on drops....but is always stored in a temp...
  8. steveinaz

    Man I love these things!

    These new variable speed/variable flow pumps. Super quiet, very efficient. At first I was skeptical, being a single-speed pump dinosaur, but I can certainly see the logic behind these new pumps.
  9. steveinaz


    Test avatar
  10. steveinaz

    Back, after a 6 year break...HELLO!

    I was "steveinaz" at the original poolforum, but could not get logged in for anything. I was also a member here, but new at the time. Anyhow, we had moved to a new home that did not have a pool, and we lived there for about 6 years. We just recently moved back into "town" and have just finished...
  11. steveinaz

    Nice forum!

    Good job Sean!