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  1. X

    Can anyone suggest a heavy duty skimmer to pump hose?

    Our hose between the skimmer and pump keeps collapsing where it meets the pump. Anyone know of a heavy duty hose that won’t collapse like this? I know I could turn the pump on low but I really need the high setting when vacuuming.
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    Calculating actual amount of acid for TA drop

    I’ve been doing the drop your pH with muratic acid and aerate back to 7.6 deal for a couple days. I can’t seem to find a calculator that gives exactly how much muratic acid it’s gonna take to get TA from 200 to 100 ppm though. I just don’t want to keep making trips to Home Depot. Is there a...
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    Ran out of sulfuric acid - is it all the same?

    I had to replace the liner so I'm getting my water in order but didn't realize I as out of R-009. The label just says sulfuric acid .12N, is this the same stuff you'd get at the hardware store? I can't get the Taylor brand stuff until Friday.
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    Air pockets under sand

    Hey guys. So I decided to replace my liner. So far so good but I noticed air pockets under the sand in a few places. It looks like they installed a plastic flooring before they put the sand down and there’s air trapped under it. Is it safe to poke a hole to let the air escape?
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    Skimmer sock - yuck

    That was brand new and white less than 24 hours ago.. so glad we use these. No idea what all that brown stuff is, it’s fibrous though…feels like pulp when we clean it. Pools clean and balanced.
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    Weird staining on exactly 2/3 of pool

    I’m going to do the absorbing acid daal but any idea what would cause this? As in why does it follow the seam line like that?
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    Trouble screwing on on filter lid

    The directions say that the lid needs to engage those hooks. Trouble I’m having though is getting it that far. I’m at least a full turn away when it stops. I tried spray silicone but that didn’t help at all. Is there a trick to this? I have this problem every year. I’ve tried a rubber mallet...
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    How long to wait before swimming after AA treeatment

    Hey guys, I'm going to do an AA treatment. How long will I need to wait until its safe swim again? Thanks!
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    Wrinkles in pool liner walls

    Hey guys, I've got a 4 year old AGP that's developed wrinkles in the liner on the walls of the pool. Any ideas what causes this or how I can fix it? I think it's a unibead liner.
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    Anyone have plans for wedding cake steps for outside the pool?

    Hey guys. Since the village wants 42" concrete piers poured for a simple pool deck I'm looking at other options to get in the pool this year. I was thinking we could build some nice wooden wedding cake steps instead. I can't seem to find any plans though. I'm no master craftsman but I think...
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    Dirt or something else?

    Hey guys, pools sat with the filter going 24/7 with the solar cover on for the past couple weeks and I came out to this mess. Waters still crystal clear, FC was at 4.8, CC was at 0. CYA is around 40. Is this just dirt? I've been fighting this on a small scale all year. Never looked this bad...
  12. X

    Return location when using a slime bag

    Hey guys. I've got a slime bag attached to the return right now. Problem is that there's no circulation with it in there. It just return the water to the surface right next to the skimmer. So I'd think it's just sucking in the same water it just filtered? The other problem is that with our solar...
  13. X

    Where to get quality inflatables???

    So tired of buying pool inflatables (rafts etc) that leak or tear after a few uses. Does anybody sell anything more durable? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. X

    What would this cost to build?

    Area at top converts to hot tub, it normally waterfalls out the front but in hot tub mode the water level drops and hot water jets in. It's all automated. South Florida construction. Pools around 24x16. 3 feet at the edges 5 feet in the center
  15. X

    Lost my stirring bar from the Taylor Speedstir - Cheap replacement?

    Hey guys, I seem to have lost that little white stirring bar that come with the Speedstir kit. I see they sell a $10 replacement. Any cheaper options? Isn't it just a small bar magnet?
  16. X

    Check valve issues/need a recommendation

    Hey guys, hope this is right section for this... We installed a solar controller and all was good until today. The solar panel has a pinhole leak, and I assumed when the controller shut the flow to the panel off the leak would stop...not the case though. I'm thinking the check valve isn't...
  17. X

    Safety of a submersible pump while kids are in the pool

    So I'm using a submersible pimp to aerate the pool. Of course when the kids see this thru want to use it as a fountain to play around with while they swim. Is something like that safe though? I get worried about them swimming when there's something powered by electricity in there as well.
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    Acid dropped ph but not TA

    So last night I had TA of 140, ph of 7.8. I added the required acid (72oz into 13.3k gallons) that should of dropped ph to 7.0. This morning sure enough, ph is reading 7.0 but TA is still showing 140. I'm about aerate now to raise ph back up. Do I just keep doing this process until TA drops to...
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    How much damage does organic matter do (leaves etc)

    Hey guys. We opened to a clear blue pool this year again. Since then, some of those maple tree pods/seeds have blown in the water though. I'm guessing there's 20-30 at the bottom of the pool and it's just too darn cold still do jump in and clean them out (waters 66 degrees). How much...
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    What's this white stuff on my filter?

    I pulled out our filter and there're s white film on it. It's dry but I can scratch it off. Any idea what that is? Does it suggest I need to adjust something in the water? Thanks!
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    What to do about these cracks on skimmer wall

    When I opened our pool this year I noticed these cracks around the skimmer. Looks like it's just a crack in whatever covers the aluminum wall. Does this just happen over time? I'm guessing it's from expansion over the winter? Is it going to lead to bigger problems? Anything I should do? Thanks!
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    How much would it cost for a pool company to install a solar controller?

    Hey guys, I picked up the Pentair solar controller. Instructions are horrible. I have parts and no idea where any of it goes. How much do you think a pool company would charge to come out and make all the connections? Thanks!
  23. X

    Anyone know where I can find a link to a DIY install of a Suntouch Solar controller?

    Hey guys, I went ahead an picked up a Pentair Suntouch Solar Controller for our AGP. Anyone know of a DIY guide to the install? Everything I'm finding involves pretty in depth setups and the manual isn't the greatest. We have a 24' AGP regular two speed pump to a FAFCO panel on a rack behind...
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    Need help selecting a solar controller.

    Hey guys, we installed a single fafco solar panel on a rack in the backyard last year and would now like to add a solar controller to turn it on/off based on temperature. I was looking at the pentair sun touch, is this our best option? Seems to be a lot of options. We have simple agp setup...
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    Overflow drain fitting

    Hey guys, to keep from having to pump water out if the pool when we get a heavy rain I want to install a runoff line from the skimmer. What I'm thinking is drilling a hole just above the proper water level and running a hose off that. What fitting would I need for that given it's a curved...
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    Test tubes stained black...fix?

    I left the chlorine test water in the test tube overnight, it turned black and also stained tube. I know they're cheap, but anyone know a way to get the stain out? Whys it turn black overnight anyway? Thanks!
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    What is this blob?

    This was on the bottom of out agp, almost feels like wood pulp or lint. Same stuff I find on the skimmer sock
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    Fell asleep with sump on....ugh

    Kids were splashing a lot of water out last night so my intention was to lower the water by 2", um yeah then I fell asleep. Party's in 6 hours, it's down 14", any chance it can refill in time? Existing water us 74 hose water is 59, I'm not even sure it'll be warm enough. Pump ran dry for...
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    Solar heater, no psi difference regardless of handle position

    Hey guys, we just installed out Fafco 4x20' solar heater. The directions say that I should turn the "solar on" handle until I see a 5-7 psi increase . Thing is, no matter what position the handles in the gauge doesn't move, it hovers right at about 4 psi with the pump on the low setting. Any...
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    DIY solar cover reel...would this work?

    Hey guys, I'm looking at building a solar cover reel similar to matt4x4's. I can't find the irrigation pipe he used but I came across this: Do you think that would work, or would it sag too much? It's no where near the 4" pipe he used, it's 1.755" OD.