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  1. N

    Losing FC levels in SWG

    Good morning! Trying to find a solution to keep CL in pool. 36000 gal inground vinyl liner SWC intellichlor IC40 (2nd season) Taylor Test Kit Levels this morning: FC 0 CC .5 PH 7.5 CA 80 TA 90 HARDNESS 210 Salt reading high this morning at 3800 recommended 3400. Water is clear but not...
  2. N

    New to Forum

    Posted on: Sun 25 May, 2008 08:32 Subject: Replacement Cartridges Good morning. Long time pool owner. An owner that can fix or find a solution to most of my pool problems. Pool has been open about a week and was a green pond when opened. This is a question that someone may know an answer...