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  1. Q

    Pump control without topside?

    I've found a used jetpack 941100 pack but it doesn't have a topside controller. Is it possible to make the pump work without the topside? I'm assuming it has its own on off switch. It does have a separate Johnson a419 controller mounted on the side of the pak but it's a separate controller...
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    Pine instead of cedar?

    Is it possible to build a wood hot tub out of pine or spruce? I've only ever seen cedar used but it's difficult to find around here for a decent price
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    Heater size for hot tub -20 Celsius

    I am thinking of making an 8 person diy hot tub for use in the winter. However, at our location it can sometimes get to -20 Celsius at night, -10 during the day. What size heater would I need to maintain a good hot tub temperature in those conditions?
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    Cannot get TC below 0.5

    FC 7.8 TC 9 Cyk 42 I have shocked multiple times now increasing to 16fc each time. No matter what I do, I cannot get the difference between FC and TC to be less than 0.5 The water has been crystal clear for days now. Any ideas what to do?
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    Intex pump air valve

    When I open the air purge valve on my pump, it seems to just let more air into the pipes that I can't get rid of. The only way to get it running is to open the lid, fill with water as a prime, close and start. If there's ever a tiny bit of air left, I can't seem to purge it. Could it be a height...
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    Getting 16fc loss over 24hrs

    Ever since I put the filter in, I'm getting severe FC loss on sunny days (probably the small pool gets more bleaching?) I shocked to 16fc, cya=40 The next even it was back down at 0.2fc, TC 0.57 Should I be adding chlorine twice a day for a pool this size and is it worth increasing cya more?
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    Cc > 1 today

    Cya 15 FC 7.2 TC 8.5 400 gallon kiddie pool. Looks clear but no filtration. I'm shocking it tonight up to 10 FC since one of our kids had an accident in the water :) I cleaned everything up but I don't have filtration other than a net. Without filtration will the CC always climb or will...
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    Slam when filling with tap water?

    Is it necessary to slam a small pool when filling with tap water (residential)? Or can you just raise it to 4ppm or whatever?
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    Oto test

    If OTO only tests total chlorine, is it possible that it could tell me that my chlorine is at 5ppm whereas actually I have no free chlorine in the pool at all thereby giving me a false indicator? Also, when chlorine evaporates, is it all chlorine or just the free chlorine? I'm assuming...
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    Intex 1.25" to PVC 1.5

    What's the best way of connecting the Intex 1.25" flex pipes to rigid PVC? Can't seem to find readily available cheap adapters for this... Do I have to make my own gasket?
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    Kiddie pool a little cloudy

    I have a 450 gallon kiddie pool, which is just big enough that I don't want to dump and refill and would prefer to maintain the water. No filter though. I filled about 2 weeks ago with tap water from the hose. I put a chlorine tablet with floating dispenser on day 3, no cya. It's now looking a...
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    Wall mount filter pipes in kiddie pool?

    With a small 8ft kiddie pool, is there a way to wall mount pipes to get filtration and/or an existing solar heater mat to heat the water? The wall is hard but thin so not sure how to mount the pipes and keep them there... ...or somehow join the pipes to PVC to hang over?
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    Stop valve for flexible pipe?

    I have to wash my filter out every few days according to the instructions. There's no stop valve between the agp, the flex pipes and the pump so a whole load of water comes out whilst I'm opening it up. What type of stop valve can I put in - I've only seen the hard pvc types, which won't connect...
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    Why can't extension cords be used?

    I've read a few posts saying you can't use extension cords with the pump for an ago. If the extension cord is plugged into a gfci recruitable in the garage then what is it that prevents you using (assuming you have the connection induce a waterproof or in use electrical cover)? Why is that any...
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    Security safety for 12' pool

    My current 12' agp is only 40". 8" short of the municipal requirement to be 4ft high for safety and to prevent kids getting in. Fences seem expensive and I came find any 12ft covers that would securely hold onto the rails. Has anyone done a DIY cover or similar for this situation?
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    Dome pool heater for 12' above ground

    Will this be enough to heat a 12' pool? Eco Saver 29 Solar Dome Solar Swimming Pool Heater Seems kind of small... Just want to heat the pool to comfortable swimming temps during the day, maybe 28 degrees c or so.
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    Test kit to Canada?

    I saw the tf100 but since I'm buying a 12' AGP , I'm wondering if it's worth buying a kit that is half the price of the pool or if I can get away with just a cheap chlorine and pH tester? Tf site says they have a Canadian distributor but they don't say who the distributor is. Any ideas?
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    Fill pool from river

    I want to fill my 12' pool from the river (9,000 litres). I have a submersible utility pump. Question is what do I do after to remove the yellowish tint? I'm assuming shock the water with bleach and turn the pump on and that's it?
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    Heater size for 12'

    What heater size will I need to heat a 12' 9,000 litre ago up to around 28 Celsius? In summer it's easily that during daytime temperatures here but nights much colder. And I'm looking to keep it cheap. Maybe a black hose pipe would work also.
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    Diy pool cover for 12' agp

    The 12' ago I bought was on offer but they don't have covers available for this size/model and I'm required to put one on for safety when it's not being used. Does anyone know a good diy cover I can make say plywood or something that can be secured?
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    Does a 16' AGP need sand?

    Thinking of installing a new agp. The ground is grass with a mixture of sand/clay. I'm wondering what base I need. This diagram shows sand only on the inside of the structure: How to Install a Base For Your Above Ground Pool Liner
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    pool losing water?

    We have a negative edge pool so I can't do the bucket test to see the difference between evaporation and leaks. There is a blue tank in the pump room that holds 3000l of watr, this balances out the water in the main pool so I turned off the water autofill on this blue tank and measure dhow much...
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    tank overflowing on infinty pool

    We are having a new infinity pool installed. However, at the moment there seems to be a problem with the water overflowing out of the big tank. There is a big blue tank that is about 1.5m wide x 1m tall that has a ball valve in it like in a toilet. Then there is the pump and a smaller red...