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  1. A

    Water aeration mechanism

    Hi there! I live in central Texas, and it’s crazy hot. The water temp on my 7k-gallon pool is currently 96 degrees, and I’d like to utilize aeration overnight to cool the water. I bought a PVC waterfall/aeration setup on Amazon: I hooked it up to my return jet per instructions, and...
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    Seeking advice for removing stain from coping stone

    About a month ago, we noticed splotchy orange stains on our new pool’s lueder coping stone. The only thing I can think of that could have caused it was my husband often leaving pool cleaning tools (a long aluminum pole, nylon bristle brush, and net w/ plastic hoop) on the stones, and a tool...
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    Something is staining my pool, and I don't know what.

    Something has been staining my tile grout and cover a greenish color over the past few weeks (see photos), and I can't figure out what the issue is. I'm hoping someone here is more knowledgeable than me and may be able to help. My ~6K-gallon pool is technically still under construction in...