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  1. M

    Polk Atrium Subwoofer

    Has anyone used a Polk outdoor subwoofer (link below)? I have a 3 - Polk Atrium 8 speakers around the pool now. They sound pretty good, but lack low end response. I'm thinking about getting one of these to add to the setup...
  2. M

    Circulating bypassed equipment (Heater and Bubblers)

    I have a couple of items I want to close off via Jandy valves. One is my bubblers to reduce pH rise. The second is the gas heater during the summer. The water in those areas would be stagnant from sitting. How often should you circulate the water in areas that you shut off?
  3. M

    Hayward the same as CircuPool Universal, Pureline, and others

    I've been researching SWG systems and came across a lot of similarities between manufacturers. Is there one parent company that makes most of these systems? For instance, the Hayward Aquarite, CircuPool Universal, and Pureline systems look exactly the same. The Pureline cell is interchangeable...
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    Does CircuPool have a low salt mode? (similar to Hayward)

    From what I've read, you can change the cell in the Hayward Aquarite menu and run a lower salt level (1600 or 2400). I realize that output is reduced at the lower levels. Can the CircuPool RJ+ do something similar in the menus? If so, I could oversize to a 60k unit and output should be good.
  5. M

    Stenner Install Kit

    I found someone selling used Stenner pumps locally. If he has the correct model, I'll probably purchase it. I'll need to buy the injector, hoses, and tank. I plan to inject chlorine. Will this kit work for the pump...
  6. M

    Prowler 920 issue with belt

    I noticed that my Prowler wasn't cleaning the pool very well. I cleaned out the impeller, but still had some issues. It would get stuck in the corners or on a wall. You could see it sucking water, but not moving. I just took it out and it looks like both belts are coming off of the rear wheels...
  7. M

    Shutting down waterfall pump for winter

    My pool has two VSPs, one for the standard pool circulation and one for a waterfall (sheer descent). I'm in a warmer in environment, so I don't winterize the pool. Last winter we had a couple of cold snaps. I have the pumps set to run below 34. This seems fine for the standard pool pump. I'm not...
  8. M

    PH discrepancies between K-2006 and Taylor 9056 with 2 oz. refill

    To start, my PB and pebble company (NPT) ask for monthly testing of the pool. I take the water in once a month to Leslie's, since it is close and free. Last weekend, I noticed that Leslie's had my pH at 7.2 and I thought it seemed low and chalked it up to their testing. On to my testing. A while...
  9. M

    Magic Plastics Check Valve Cleaning

    I was looking at what I believe is a Magic Plastics check valve in my plumbing. The plastic view window is hard to use. Has anyone cleaned one of these? I believe you can just take the clear plastic off with the 6 screws.
  10. M

    Total Hardness and Calcium Hardness

    I noticed my CH was low last week (200). I added about 12lbs of Calcium Hardness increaser and it's sitting around 275 now. My wife was wondering why I needed to increase the water hardness, since everyone in our area complains about how hard the water is out of the tap. So I checked the tap...
  11. M

    Aqualink RS4 Aux connections

    I'm still sorting out the equipment on my new pool build. The person working on the equipment told me that I won't be able to use spillover mode, since I won't have the Aux space. I'm trying to figure out what is taking up all of the spaces. The Glacier chiller will take Aux 3. Does the Jandy...
  12. M

    Jandy Heat Pump and Gas Heater on AqualinkRS

    Has anyone setup a Jandy Heat Pump and Gas Heater on the AqualinkRS? How does it function? I'd like to use the Heat Pump in the summer to heat the Spa, then switch over to a combination in the winter. I'm curious on the Heat Pump priority, but haven't found much information.
  13. M

    Are these Cal Hypo?

    Moved from here. Do these add CH to the pool?