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  1. M

    adding almost a full bottle of bleach a day..???

    Pool has been looking great since finally getting it all clear :party: I got the CYA up to 50, and still am adding almost a bottle of bleach a day. Is this normal to burn through bleach that fast? Everything in the pool is level, just the low chlorine reading in the evening when I test the...
  2. M

    Pool is finally clear, now how to mantain??

    Broke down and flocked the pool over the weekend...nice and clear. :party: We have had rain for the last two days and I just did a weekly test on the pool and have a few questions. FC -1 CC-0 PH 8. or higher ALK- 170 CYA-30 I will add my bleach tonight to bring the FC back to 4. My question...
  3. M

    Hello From GA!

    I have had a love 8-) (the kids)/ hate :rant: (me) relationship with our pool for 6 yrs now. If something could happen to it, it has. Decided this year I was going to try to BBB method. The forum looks like a great place to learn more, and hopefully help me hate the pool less. Just...