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  1. J

    Back Pressure??

    What causes back pressure on the filter? I just cleaned the filter including the filter cartridges. The skimmer basket is clean as well as the trap at the pump. When the pool pump turns off at night, the skimmer basket and cover get blown right off. The next morning, I go out and the cover is...
  2. J

    Help - confusion reigns!

    I'm still learning the ins and outs of maintaining a pool and I told a friend that my pool was clear but that I can't get the chlorine level over 2. I started seeing a little algae where the MX8 doesn't get to (steps). My friend said there shouldn't be any algae and something is wrong. He sent...
  3. J

    Hayward C5520BHMB Filter question

    Because I am gun shy I'm probably going to ask a ridiculously simple question but having been burnt before............. The question I have is, "What holds the bottom manifold in place in this filter. How hard is it to remove and replace this manifold?" Thanks! Jim