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  1. M

    Cartridge filter. Why do you say I can't vaccume to waste?

    So just curious why everyone says cartridge filters can't vaccume to waste? My pentair free and clear 75 has a pressure relief valve with a spout on top that can connect to a hose. I use it to drain all the time. Sure some ends up going to the return but most goes out of the spout. I'm under...
  2. M

    Mineral system (Nature 2) and CYA

    So first off I have learned a lot through this site. It took me a while to believe the cya/chlorine chart and the slam method. With a cya lavel approaching 70 due to too many tablets, I wound up with an algae bloom due to keeping chlorine too low (pool math recommends 9ppm) had it about 3ppm...
  3. M

    Automatic liquid chlorine dispenser, or at least something easy.... Cya driving me nuts

    Pool details in signature. I have an inline tablet feeder, which works awesome until my cya reaches 70 then I have to switch to liquid chlorine. I'm on a well and while I can top off, my safe limit is about 150 gallons per day so besides heavy rain (which we do get fairly frequently during...