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  1. CarefreeTee

    Can muriatic acid go bad?

    I have a bottle of Muriatic Acid where the plastic gallon container has turned yellow. Is this still OK to use?
  2. CarefreeTee

    PH-009(I)A pen type pH meter

    Has anyone in the forum recently calibrated the pen type pH meter that comes as an option with the TF 100 test kit?
  3. CarefreeTee

    Chemicals seem to have no effect

    I’ve had high Chlorine (Cl that shows in a simple Leslie’s test kit) for quite awhile. Had Leslie’s test a few times and we’ve added a few things to either de-Chlorinate or bring pH up. Haven’t shocked in a long time. Took tab floater out of the pool. pH has been in range. Yesterday I tested and...
  4. CarefreeTee

    Tip for evaluating wheels that are stuck on Polaris 380

    My Polaris 380 was working great (rpms/pressure/backup valve/etc) except that each morning the wheels would get stuck (not move). I could pull it out the water, give it a turn and it would get going. Every article on wheels that wouldn’t turn had me making sure the wheels all turn together to...
  5. CarefreeTee

    ONGOING Polaris 380 issues

    Had pool down for a week to resurface deck. We turn it back on and discover a hold/crack in the wall mounted hex screw for the quick-release polaris hose. get that fixed, now see a crack along the side of the large plastic housing. Polaris is now nose down at bottom of pool with tail vertical in...
  6. CarefreeTee

    Old Pebble Tec pool needs to be drained

    We will be re-re-tiling our pool deck at the end of the month. Need to drain pool for about one week due to anticipated mess. I could not find a thread for pool startup on used pebble-tec (not a new build). Also, It’s still hot here (Carefree AZ). Tile guy says pebble tec not at risk for one week.
  7. CarefreeTee

    noisy, leaking polaris hose nuts

    recently replaced 3 connectors on hose. used new nuts. very big leaks that are very noisy. tried experimenting with one today by cutting off thread on hose and re-inserting. no change. leak is coming from cleaner side of connection (nut on side closest to cleaner) for all. newly purchased...
  8. CarefreeTee

    Hello from Carefree AZ

    I live and work in Carefree / Cave Creek AZ. I'm very familiar with my Polaris as I've been fixing it on my own for the last 32 years. I am the technical one in the house!! Nice to see come current posts and activity!! I look forward to a little help now and then. Perhaps, I can even help...