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  1. I

    Overnight Bromine Loss Test?

    Hi everyone. Friends of mine have a bromine hot tub and I was discussing TFP method with them. They will be doing an ahhsome purge soon, but I wonder about Overnigh Bromine Loss Test. In chlorine tub - 25% loss over 24h is considered a very good result. Would 25% be also expected in very clean...
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    Purging with ahhsome - water level

    Hi guys! I have been doing my scheduled purge and refill (every 3 months) - as always with ahhsome. Purge no1: 3 month old water - quite a bit of green goo discharged: As it was more than I was expecting, decided to dump the water, refill and purge again. Purge no 2: nothing more...
  3. I

    Soaking at low/minimum FC level?

    Hi everyone. Over time we found that my wife's skin is susceptible to drying/itching if I stick to "target" values suggested by TFP as we soak. My tub has 30ppm of CYA so: - miniumum is 2ppm FC - target: 4-6 She is much better if we start the soak at 2-3 ppm (rather than 4-6 target), even if...
  4. I

    Idea: Using a "drip" to dose liquid chlorine when on holidays?

    Hi guys. I have a small spa that requires a daily does around 25ml of 12% bleach to keep in safe zone when not in use. We go from time to time for two weeks away from home and this becomes problematic. I was thinking about using a drip to administer chlorine when I am away. Found this on ebay...
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    Is your spa water as sparkly as on "day one"?

    Hi guys. I have an inflatable spa and after some intial problems with water quality (CYA getting too high), I found this forum and have been following TFP procedure. I have a decent test-kit (tablet based comparator as Tailor kits don't seem to be available in the UK). I use dichlor-then-bleach...