Search results

  1. N

    High chlorine

    I've begun to trust people here much more than our pool store :roll: I have a SWG in our pool 10800 gal. I've had the intellichlor at 0% for over a week but the chlorine is still wayyyy high, is there anyway of lowering it?? The water is clear, 60 degrees (burrrrrrr) FC 14 CC .5 TC 14.5...
  2. N

    FC question

    I'd like to start off by saying that I've had such a great first pool season, and am so greatfull to everyone here for making it so. I have used the TF - 100 test kit with great sucess untill now. Here's my latest test# FC 11.5 CC 0 TC 11.5 PH 7.8 TA 100 CH 400 CYA 80 10800 gal, SWG...
  3. N

    White Flakes

    I've noticed that I have the white flakes in the pool :( I have a 10800 gal pool. Here are the test results I had from yesterday FC 4.5 CC 0 TC 4.5 PH 7.8 CH 390 CYA 90 I'm going to acid wash my SWG this morning, to see if that helps some. I've started running my aerator for 3hrs at night...
  4. N

    First tests

    My TF-100 kit arrived today!!!! I also have the speed stir thingy, and that is just wayyy too much fun. My hubby started calling me Dr Jekyll while I was doing the tests. I can't believe how easy it was. Great idea to have the instructions on the inside of the lid, made it much easier for a...