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  1. matthys333

    FC vs. Stock Tank (longer and less entertaining than the Notorious/Money fight)

    I've been having an ongoing battle keeping my FC over 2 from day to day. Having a stock tank which is much smaller and different material (galvanized steel) than 99.9% pools in this forum, makes me the pioneer of finding the best chemical balancing for this pool. Good News is that all the...
  2. matthys333

    Adding CYA without a Skimmer?

    Having a stock tank pool without a skimmer, what is the best way to add CYA? Mine is at 25 currently, and probably need to get it close to 40. Thanks :)
  3. matthys333

    First TFTestKit-100 test with Stock Tank Pool

    I've had my Stock Tank Pool for about 2 weeks now. Been using pool store test strips until I could get the TFTestKit, but have been using the PoolMath app and BBB chemicals. So although the strips aren't that accurate, I seem to have done pretty well in the meantime. Here's my first test...
  4. matthys333

    8'X2' Stock Tank Pool :)

    Well this is second time writing this post since Chrome decided to crash just as I was about to submit it. Anyways........... I briefly posted about my stock tank pool in the Welcome section, but decided to post here in case anyone has/wants a stock tank pool. I searched for other...
  5. matthys333

    New Stock Tank Converted Pool 8'X2' (Maintenance Tips?)

    First time pool owner... We have 2 daughters that love going to the pool and beach. And if you have kids you know how much of a pain it is to gather everything and travel for a short 1 hour water experience. So I decided to have a pool in the backyard. We are also first time home owners for...