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    About to start salt water generator

    I have no idea how much salt I need to put in a 30k gallon pool nor what kind of salt to use. Is the salt at Wal-Mart ok?
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    Safe Chlorine Level

    We got 5 inches of rain in 2 hours yesterday so I shocked my pool using 10% bleach. The chlorine level is currently at 29 and I think my CYA is around 80 due to using trichlor tabs over the winter. I was planning on doing a partial drain but the warm weather got here quicker than I could move...
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    7 drops short for PH and Alkinity didnt really register

    I am trying to help a friend with their pool. New fill and has only added shock as she was filling up and 2 gallons muratic acid. FC was 4.5 since she had added shock PH was 7 drops on base demand Alkalinity turned almost a clear purple- no clue what that means No stabilizer yet Where should I...
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    Using bleach along with a chlorinator with pucks

    I am going out of town so I will be loading up pucks into the chlorinator to sanitize while I am gone. Can I still give it a dose of liquid bleach before I go if I put the bleach in the pool on the other side from the skimmers?
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    Running at 45 CYA how much bleach should I be expecting to be adding everyday? I am using 10% sodium hyprchlorite in gallon jugs. I have been adding about 1.5 gallons a day to stay in target range. Does that sound about right?
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    Ideal CYA when using Liquid Chlorine

    I live in Mississippi and it gets pretty darn hot in the summer. What is the ideal CYA when using liquid chlorine for all sanitation? Also, if I add more stabilzer how long should I wait before I SLAM the pool?
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    AA Treatment and Algae

    I am getting my pool ready for the season and I have a lot of staining that has happened over the winter from organic debris and also metals. I need to shock to kill algae but am wanting to an AA treatment. Which should I do first?