Search results

  1. 4JawChuck

    TA rising when using only dry acid to lower PH?

    I am on the fifth or sixth week of my fresh liner install, here's the numbers. FC=2.5 PH=7.4 TA=130 CH=60 CYA=30-40 No borates in the water My question is I have stopped using MA to drop my PH and have switched to dry acid, my TA has jumped from 90-130 in the last four weeks and I have added...
  2. 4JawChuck

    Low CH reduces MA demand?

    Once I got my new liner installed and the water balanced to 7.4 and got the brown out with floc and sequestation I have been running the pool without adding any calcium to the fill water. What I have noticed is I have no PH rise even though I am caring for the pool in the exact same way as last...
  3. 4JawChuck

    Blue diffusion liner in 30mil, anyone have pics with water?

    Just gave the go ahead for my pool reno guy to replace the liner in our 22 year old pool and we chose this liner print with no border, we mainly chose a no border print because pools we seen online without a border seem to look bigger...optical illusion I guess. The other reason was to eliminate...
  4. 4JawChuck

    Waterco MultiCyclone Centrifugal Filter

    Anyone have any experience with these devices? I was having a discussion with a local pool supplier and I mentioned I was looking...
  5. 4JawChuck

    Good deal on Rule H53SP 1800GPH pump

    Found this while looking for marine supplies (my other passion), couldn't believe the price so I thought I would post it for others to take advantage of the sale...looks like they have 18 left when I checked. I have no affiliation with this website or proprieter but thought with everyone closing...
  6. 4JawChuck

    Algae bloom while getting CYA down to manageable levels

    You can read my initial post regarding my pool situation here; To make a long story short (thank god I am on holidays to handle this) I had an excellent opportunity to drain and refill the pool...
  7. 4JawChuck

    Finally took possesion of new house and CYA is over 140!

    Been a long time waiting but we finally took possession of our new house, of course my first goal was to try out my new TF-100 test kit and check all the levels...but first I did a search around the house for the chemicals that were being used. I found a note left by the previous owner saying...
  8. 4JawChuck

    Sealed vacuum tube solar heater, any experience?

    I have found this mfg really close to me and the concept seems ideal especially in my Canadian climate where air temps don't get above 20C for much of the day until June or so, doe anyone have experience with this system or similar? The price certainly looks reasonable, $400 for each panel and a...
  9. 4JawChuck

    Complete pool chemical automation mfg's

    Hi Everyone, I recently purchased a home with a pool and have been reading with interest on the maintenance of water quality with the BBB method, I work in the pharmaceutical/medical sector and maintain pure water systems as well as the monitoring equipment. You can bet I am maintaining my pool...