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  1. J

    1 yr old Goldline T-Cell-15 now always says No Flow

    Just over a year ago I replaced my Goldline T-Cell-9 with a Goldline T-Cell-15 which has worked great but now the control panel always shows No Flow so it is not generating chlorine. I have tried re-plugging it into the control panel and completely powering off/on the control panel but still...
  2. J

    Another Aqua Rite Reading "HOT"

    Just emerged a couple weeks ago from a cold temps that kept my 2010 SWG reading "COLD" and now, after some normal temps and getting salt in the 2800 range, it's reading "HOT". From another post, I see that it can be helpful to capture the readings to further diagnose: 1. Temp - 222 2. Cell...