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    Salt Water Generator in Spa with TFP method

    Hello, I had a pool and got very comfortable with the TFP methods of maintaining it, and loved it! This place is awesome. Now I no longer have the pool, but I have a 2008 Hotsprings Jetsetter JJ Spa (225 gallons) and I have several questions in general about spas, but more specifically with...
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    Is this black algae?

    I'm worried I have black algae. I've ordered a stainless brush and ready to attack....Is it? Any direction on what to do if it is? I have scrubbed and have good FC, and this stuff is still around... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Repairing brick grout ideas?

    Hello, See the pictures, my brick is in good shape, I like it, but the grout in between is really deteriorated. What's the best way to get it nice and smooth and filled in again? I've seen the tubes in the stores, it seems like that can add up really fast is I have to do every brick? But...
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    I messed up my CEO, help!

    So I started heating my pool, up to 95, and I dumped two jugs of bleach into it in anticipation of needing to run higher chlorine for the heat. I was in a rush and didn't test before, so here are my numbers, my csi and TA are way off. Does high chlorine factor into csi? Should I rush to bring...
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    Minimax Pressure Switch Troubleshooting

    Hello, I have a REALLY OLD Purex minimax 250 that I've been working on getting running. It was known bad when we bought the place, so I've started from scratch as it's never run under my watch. So far here's what I've done and I'm confused on one portion which is the flow pressure switch: 1)...
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    Hayward freeze protection

    My Hayward vs pump has the Freeze protection enabled and it came on over the weekend. All well and good except it never turned off. I had to manually stop the pump. Is this normal? Is there a way to shut it off once the temp rises? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Just ruined my second shirt pouring bleach...

    What's the trick to not splash it?!? The first time I was rushing to put 3 whole bottles in while walking around the deep end. Then today, I slowed down, held it low to the water and it still splashed and got me. What are some tips and tricks for pouring bleach in and not ruining clothes?!?
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    How much water loss is acceptable?

    Hey, In one month of owning a pool, I have to add water it seems every week or two because it's dropping an inch or more every week or two. I didn't track it closely though. So I went on a 5 day trip, and came back and it lost at least an inch, probably closer to two. I haven't been keeping a...
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    First K2006 Test... Won't turn pink?

    I attempted to do the FC test for the first time and I'm having issues. First off, adding the powder makes it cloudy. The questions section says add dpd 1 and 2 first, then continue the test. My kit doesn't seem to have that. What do I do? Secondly, it doesn't turn pink. Maybe very very...
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    Help! Pump leaking like crazy, trying to find a replacement!

    I apologize, as I was planning on spending some time writing my first post and getting settled in here, studying and reading as much as a could but now I have an emergency! I was planning on upgrading my pump to a VS speed anyways and starting researching, when last night my pump started...