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  1. G

    Basket flipped

    Hi people, the last two days when I go out to the pool, the basket in the skimmer has been flipped over on its side. Any ideas about what could cause that?
  2. G

    Can it get more clear?

    My water doesn't seem as clear as it used to be. FC 3 CC 0 PH 7.6 TA 90 CYA 40 Any suggestions on what to look for? After reading some other posts I will say I have not been brushing as often as recommended, probably once every 2-3 weeks. I haven't had any issues all summer, till 2 weeks ago...
  3. G

    Bumpy bottom

    Hi folks, just got our new pool up and going. I would like to look into a robotic cleaner. We have a 27' AG. The concern I have is there are lots of indentations from footprints on the bottom and I don't know if the cleaner would still do a good job. Anyone with any experience with this?
  4. G

    Tim the Tool Man Syndrome

    Got the new pool all plumbed and wired up this evening, you can see the pump and filter I bought in my signature. these were not the ones offered in the kits with the pools. I wanted a 220 volt pumps these were the ones I bought. I didn't think they were overkill, I new they were larger then...
  5. G

    New pool coming

    Hi, I'll be assembling our first pool this weekend and had a question for y'all. Should I add my chemicals as I fill the pool or should I wait until it's full and see what my numbers will be. I'll be filling it out of our well and I do know that water is on the acidic side. (5.9 I think). Thanks...