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  1. D

    Hurricane Irma Problems!

    I'm having problems with my pool after Irma. We got hit head on but luckily our house was mostly protected by neighbors. We were out of power for 11 days. I cleaned the pool from all the debris and mostly stones from the shingles of the roof. It was great for a week as I used bleach and muriatic...
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    PVC Towel Holder for my AGP

    I was just doing laundry out in the garage and looked over on the other side of the sink and there was the three pieces for a shoe rack made out of plastic. I never liked it as my shoes always slipped through when opening or closing the door but I couldn't just throw it away. So I wondered if...
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    I Made the Biggest Stupidest Mistake Ever! HELP!

    I need to add more salt to my pool as my salt is at 2430. I grabbed the "leftover bag" and went in and weighed it. It's 14.8 lbs. I need like 32 lbs but since it's starting to storm with thunder and lightning I decided I better run out quickly and pour it in. I walked around the pool dumping in...
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    Can I use Taylor R-0600 with the Chlorox Deluxe Kit

    I just got some Taylor R-0600 from TFTestKits because I ran out of OTO from Chlorox. Can I use the Chlorox test tubes with Taylor? If so, do I use 4 drops just like I did with the OTO?
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    Pool Fountain - THANK YOU SKIPPY!!

    Hi :wave: I made my pool fountain by Skippy's idea. It's an AGP so a little different. I haven't glued anything yet as I wanted to check it out so here are three pictures of it. I turned the fountain off to show you the holes, not bad for a woman, eh? LOL I haven't gotten my water right...
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    92 92 92...Having Trouble w/SWG and getting my Numbers Straight

    Hi :handwave:TFP Folks! I had my SWG running the other day after dumping 6% of my pool and adding water from the spigot. (I don't know if it was 6% or not because I wasn't going to sit there with a gallon bottle and fill and dump out 360 times...I put the backwash on for 5 or 10 minutes but I...
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    Electric Cord across lawn vs. Longer PVC from Pool to Pump & SWG

    Hello :wave: My son had an extension cord running the equipment and I decided to try to directly plug into outlet on side of the house, running behind sprinkler pump, A/C Unit and side garage door cement pad. The cord needs to be at least another 3-4' to play it safe. I know I need to hard...
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    K-2006C Just Arrived Today...YEAH! But I need help!

    Hi People! :wave: I started posting last year but my pool was 6" unlevel and took a year to get where it should be (no, not working on it a whole year; laziness falls in here). So I went on to order the TF100 kit but messed up royally as I didn't know how to navigate through...
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    Trying to Find Best Intex for SWG

    Hi, I just bought an Intex Krystal Clear Saltwater System (OLDER MODEL). Well, that was supposed to be what I got but I got a Model CG-28667. This has the troublesome GFCI plug that I read in previous posts from here and also is an E.C.O. (Electrocatalytic Oxidation) which I read in here...