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  1. sammismommy

    Former traditional AGP owner that now owns an Intex...

    Hello all! After 2 years without a pool (that we lost from damage during an awful storm) we have decided to once again take the plunge into pool ownership. This time we opted for an Intex XTR 26x52 pool that I got a killer deal on in December (Merry Christmas to me!) We live in the country and...
  2. sammismommy

    AGP liner is coming off track

    Hello all! We took our winter cover off yesterday and noticed that a section of our pool liner has released from the track and is no longer connected. It is way too heavy for us to try and move, so we are not sure how to proceed. The liner is original and we are okay replacing, but when...
  3. sammismommy

    Spring opening with well water

    Hi all, This is our 7th year with a 27' above ground pool that we use well water to fill, which is our only option as we live in the country and the town's Fire Department is not able to bring in water for us. The first few years with the water went pretty good, I used the BBB method without...
  4. sammismommy

    New to TFP - starting BBB method

    Hello! This is our 3rd summer having our 28x52 above ground pool which we installed ourselves. The first 1 1/2 summers we used store bought chemicals but never really acheived crystal clear water and spent a ton of money. The second half of last summer I attempted to switch to the BBB after...