Search results

  1. sailman

    Pool Pilot Digital Nano produces no clorine

    I've had my Nano for a couple of years and it has stopped producing clorine. All indications are normal on the panel. When I run the self test I get salt=3200, Cell=2V 5.3A, and Amp-Hrs=23100. The cell has been cleaned regularly and looks fine. Has the cell or power unit reached the end of...
  2. sailman

    Poolpilot Nano conversion from 220v to 110v

    I've had my poolpilot nano for over two years and been very happy with it but am considering upgrading to the Poolpilot Digital for a little mor capacity during the hot spells. I'd like to move my Nano to my partent's pool as it is a bit smaller but they only have 110v and my Nano is the 220v...
  3. sailman

    Cloudy water after hail storm

    Had the worst hailstorm in Okalhoma City's recent history yesterday and my pool got vey cloudy immediately. Lots of shredded foliage in the pool - is that the reason? FC is 5, Ph is 7.5. Anything else I should check? I've never had a problem with inches of rain but maybe the hail is...
  4. sailman

    I need Hayward Pro-Grid DE filter identification help

    I have a Hayward Pro-Grid DE filter that has the following possible model numbers listed on the info decal: DE2420, DE3620, DE4820, DE6020 and DE7220 but none of them are checked so i don't know which I have and therefore how much DER to use. Can anyone identify it from this pic or know what...