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  1. M

    Need Advice

    I went on vacation for a week from last wednesday to this wednesday. When I left I added 2 gallons of 10%. Then on Friday and Monday following I had the person staying here add 2.5 gallons. Tested wednesday when I got back and was clear so first thought is added too much. So got chlorine...
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    Which one is a better deal-Bleach or Liquid Chlorine

    I can get bleach at 8.25% in a 121 ounce jug for 3.50-The store I normally go to, the day on the bottle has been about 30 days old For example I went yesterday and it was day 206 of the year. The newest day they had on the jugs was 175. Liquid Chlorine at 10% is 5.00 a gallon and has to be...
  3. M

    TA levels and FC Issues Possible

    Hello All, Looking on here I see the recommended level of TA is between 90-120. Here are my test results pH-7.5 FC-2.5 CC-.5 TA-60 CH-225 CYA-35 My pH level has been sitting at 7.5 for about 3 weeks. I am guessing the levels here are just recommended but not the right as each pool is...
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    BBB Method

    Did I miss something or what, but why are we no longer using the BBB method? I got it from this post
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    Website Feedback

    Just my opinion but this new software seems hard to navigate around and seem to be very limited. Now I usually see in Forum actions where I can see new post from today but do not have that option. Where is the option to see all new post? This is my first time on today so I know there are some...
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    From green to clean version 2 with pictures

    Second time after winter I had to go through this and it was a breeze. Only required the use of 5 large jugs (121 ounces) of bleach to clear up Now time for the pics as I am sure that is what everyone is interested in. Backyard is...
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    Is my TA too low

    I have been doing my testing and I noticed that my pH levels have been staying right around 7.5 for the past two weeks. I have not made any other changes and prior to this my pH level would move from 7.2-7.8 within 3-4 days. I noticed when my pH level was moving my TA level was around 90-110...
  8. M

    Question about FAS-DPD powder in the TF100 Kit

    This has been bothering me for some time. When I get the powder part of the test at the beginning it is in the form of a fine powder. Overtime, maybe a few weeks at max it starts to bond together and form small little pebbles of the powder. I shake the container but the little pebbles do not...
  9. M

    Is there water in there?

    The deep end is 6 foot.
  10. M

    Question about Fill Water with test results inside

    I just did a full set of test on my fill water and here are the results Fill Water Results pH-8.2+(Very dark purple) FC-.5 CC-1.5 TC-2 CH-25 (Used a 10 ml sample instead of 25. One drop caused it to go from red to blue) TA-400 CYA-0 My pool is approx 13,000 gallons. I...
  11. M

    Looking for a cord reel for a 100 ft 12 gauge

    Anyone know where I can find out. I have looked and cant seem to find one. I can find them for the 16 gauge but not the 12 gauge. This is what I am looking for with the exception of the stats above ... c-J0fmsj8U Anyone have an idea?
  12. M

    Decided to clean my cartridge filter today

    This is the first time to clean the filter in about a year. It was brand new last year. Dirty Cartridges
  13. M

    Does anyone know what these are used for

    We have a Koi pond and a pool. I have never figured out what these are for. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. M

    Epoxybond Pool Putty

    Has anyone ever worked with this stuff and any tips or tricks. I am going to be using it to seal up some very small cracks around my returns. I would say less than half an inch long, maybe around 1/4 inch long. I tried to find some YouTube videos but no dice. Thanks in advance.
  15. M

    Question about Calcium Hardness Increaser

    1. How much should you add at a time. -I have been told to add around 5 lbs at a time and retest again. Should you add 5 lbs a day or can you add 5 lbs, test, add another 5 lbs and retest? 2. How long after adding CH increase should you expect to see the results? Thanks in advance.
  16. M

    Idea for a sticky

    I was just thinking about this because I have a question and I see it asked a lot. We all know there are different test that you need to do for your water and different products to add that affect certain test results. Here is my idea for a sticky. 1. Post certain products used for different...
  17. M

    Leak detection in Houston area

    Anyone have recommendations for leak detection in Houston area. Thanks
  18. M

    Adding Chemicals

    I need to add about 10 lbs of hardness increaser to my water to bring my level up to 350. I like to start it at the top and let it fall down over the course of time. My question is I have read you should add about 2-3 lbs at a time and let it circulate about 4-6 hours and repeat. Is this...
  19. M

    Splashless Bleach Question

    I accidently picked this up at the store and have used it in my pool. Is this type of bleach adding unwanted things to my pool? It says concentrated and I assume it is 8.25%, but it does not list it on the bottle at all. It is Clorox brand and not an off brand. Hopefully I have not messed...
  20. M

    My Results VS Pool Store results

    I have been to this pool store several times to get what I have to get at the pool store. It is a individual owned shop and not a chain. Last time I got my testing done they were spot on, this time all test were spot on with the exception of one They used this to test their water. They...
  21. M

    Interesting observation about bleach tonight

    I was at my local HEB and went to the bleach aisle and it was empty or at least I thought it was. I went down the aisle and it looks like they got rid of the 6% bleach and is being replaced with 8.25% bleach. This included clorox brand and the HEB brand. On the container it said now...
  22. M

    I finally found a pool store

    That knows what they are doing. I think it has to do with them being the only store and being owned by an individual. I need a few things from the pool store and decided to take a water sample for them to test. I did not see how they tested, but their test results were spot on with what I...
  23. M

    Seem to be losing a lot of FC Lately

    Pool gets full sun from about 9-10 am to about 5 pm in the afternoon. After 5 the pool is about half in sun for about another 1 hr. I am losing about 3-4 PPM per day which seems excessive compared to past summers when it would average around 2-3. I have passed the OCLT and my water is very...
  24. M

    Question about testing and OCLT

    I have a question about the FC and CC testing in reference to the OCLT. Is there a way that the FC gets too high and it becomes unreliable? My shock level is 20 and I have been having trouble getting my pool gallons correct for a while now and I may have the amount now. So anyways my FC last...
  25. M

    Question abut pool size

    Every since we have been in our home I have been trying to figure out the size of our pool. When I did the initial measurements I came up with 22000, but everytime I would use 22000 as the size and put in my figures in the pool calculator I would add what it would say. Then I would test and it...
  26. M

    Catridge Filter Hayward C5025 Question

    Tomorrow I am replacing my DE filter with a new cartridge filter. I have a open bag of DE which was just opened. I see you can add DE to a sand Filter just a small amount to filter better. Can you do this with a cartridge filter? Thanks.
  27. M

    Question about filter

    Ok I had not backwashed in a while and the pressure was up to about 15, which is about 8 over clean filter. So I cleaned it out and it only went down about to about 10 which is not usual. Usually after a backwashing it goes down to around 5. I let my pool go so I knew I had some algae so I...
  28. M

    Main Drain Question

    I was not sure where to put this so please move if in the wrong spot. I have a IG pool. We also have a main drain. I have been in the house for over 2 years and have never figure out how to use the main drain. Have never needed to, but just would like to know how if I ever do. I think I...
  29. M

    Polaris gets stuck

    I have a question. Lately when I have been using my polaris when it gets caught in one particular corner it just gets stuck. Basically it will start going up the wall and will not move from that corner at all. That is the only corner that i does it in. So I have to go out and move it from...
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    After almost 10 months.......

    I finally got me a new job. I am going to be a ER Patient Access supervisor. This is a little closer to home and a pay raise of almost 4.00 per hour. I am so ready for this and this is a great promotion for me. Wish it could have been at my current job, but it is not. I start October 24th.