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  1. G

    Main Drain Full of Anoxic Sediment

    I have a pool built in the mid/late 1960's and I was suspicious that my main drain was clogged due to the accumulation of fine sediment on the bottom and no visible suction when the filter was running. So I opened it up, and inside I found probably 6" of grey and black sediment that had this...
  2. G

    Best way to add bleach: walk vs pour at return?

    I've been measuring out my bleach in a 1 gal jug, then add water to the top, then walk it around the pool. Is this the best way? What about adding near a return like I've read to do with muriatic acid? Any difference? Seems like it would be easier to add to a return and minimizes splashing.
  3. G

    CYA going down and pH going up...

    I'm having trouble keeping my CYA levels up and my pH down. And want to know best way to add muriatic acid (see end of post). I'm losing about 3ppm chlorine daily and would like to get my CYA up to at least 40-45 to sunscreen a bit more. I'm in southern CA and it's hot and sunny. On 6/7 I...
  4. G

    Newbie with an old pool

    I'm a new pool owner, first post. I can't make a signature since I'm on mobile but will put my specs at the end of the post. My new house came with a 1968 era plaster pool that hadn't had water changed in 15+ years so I had it drained refilled and balanced by a pool company (1 month ago) and...