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  1. H

    Filter Question

    I have had my above ground pool for about 5 years now and it seems that my Hayward sand filter developed a small crack in the tub of the filter. Water leaks out of the crack while the filter is running. I tried to put some silicone over to patch it to get little more life out of it but I think...
  2. H

    Cleaner Suggestions

    I have a 24' AGP and the pool bottom is not perfectly smooth and is dimply across the whole area. The dimples are not huge or largely deep by any means. Mainly heel marks from installing the liner when putting up the pool. I currently have a Pool Rover Jr. but I am quite unhappy with it. It...
  3. H

    Slightly Cloudy

    I am getting my pool ready for first use this year. I kept it uncovered year round and was clear all year. A few days ago it began to get slightly cloudy and has remained that way. I can still see the bottom, it's just not crystal clear like I am use to. Below are the levels I took with test...
  4. H

    Pump Cover

    I am wanting to put a cover over my pool equipment to protect it from the harsh sun we get here in the summer months. I am wondering if I need to cover just the pump motor or both the pump and filter? Do you have any recommendations on premade covers?
  5. H

    Aqualuminator Fountain Attachment

    I am looking at purchasing a fountain for my pool and have the Aqualuminator return. Looks like one of my options is the Aqualuminator fountain. I was wondering if anyone has this fountain and could clarify something for me? Currently my water flow is pointing at a 45 degree angle toward the...
  6. H

    Pool balance question

    I have a quick question about my pool chemicals. I have an above ground pool as you can see from my signature below. All of my chemical levels are on point except for the Calcium Hardness. I know this level doesn't matter much for above ground pools. My level right now is 100 but wanted to...
  7. H


    I have installed the aqualuminator for my pool but I am getting slightly confused about the process of electrical installation for permanent pools. Has anyone cut the cords and installed it that way that may can show pictures or explain more in depth what I am needing to do?
  8. H

    Water testing

    Ok I just installed my new agp and ran my first water tests. The first results were as follows. FC - 0 PH - 6.8 TA - 140 CH - 25 CYA- 0 I put all the numbers in pool math with the recommended levels as target. I put all the chemicals in the pool this morning and just tested again. FC - 0 PH -...
  9. H

    New AGP Install

    I am currently installing my new AGP and had a couple of questions. The first question I have is about wall foam. When applying the wall foam to I go over the skimmer and return holes with the foam and just cut them out later when I do the Skimmer and return install? I am assuming I do but...
  10. H

    Insect treatment

    I am currently in the building phase of my AGP. I am wanting to put some type of ant/termite treatment and weed/root killer on the ground before I put the sand and liner in. I was hoping someone could tell me of a few products I could use that would be safe for my liner and would do the job...
  11. H

    New Pool setup

    I just received my TF-100 test kit. I have not installed my pool but was wondering what I needed to put in my pool chemical wise once I have set it up and filled it. My Question is, should I wait to test my water once the pool is up and full or should I test the water coming my tap? Also...
  12. H

    AGP Cleaner

    I just purchased my first above ground pool today online. I was wondering about a really good auto pool cleaner. Do you have any recommendations or point me to a forum with this information? I call myself looking for a forum already but didn't find much. Thanks!
  13. H

    New Pool decision

    I have decided to purchase an AGP. I am sorta new to the pool world, we always had a pool when I was growing up and I would help my parents take care of it. This will be my first pool at my home. I am trying to decide where to order my pool from. I think I am down to and...