Search results

  1. KellyInAZ

    Leak in pump/filter piping maybe?

    Hi pool folks... This pool is just a big headache. It has been established that we need to drain the pool. "Thank you!" to the folks that helped me translate the TF-100 readings into something I could understand. Now I've discovered a leak, I think. The photos below show our entire filter pad...
  2. KellyInAZ

    TF-100 test kit results...not pretty. Planning to do pool math. Or no?

    I tested my pool water two times within 4 days just to make sure I am doing this correctly. Results were pretty much the same both times: Chlorine: ZERO - not pink. Watery white. Calcium Hardness: 2,875 ppm or 3,750 ppm depending on which blue is blue enough. Total Alkalinity: 60 or 230...
  3. KellyInAZ

    Whattheheck?!?! A cloud of who-knows-what poofed out of my pool jets this morning

    I'm not only tackling cloudy pool/algae/chemical issues but now I have a NEW PROBLEM: There are three jets in my pool and I usually only notice a current from one of them. When I started the filter pump this morning, the two other jets started doing their thing. At first a cloud of...
  4. KellyInAZ

    How are there NO chemicals in my pool?? New pool owner in AZ

    Hi all! I just bought a house in Scottsdale, AZ with a pool. I'm already on my second pool maintenance company. My pool gets cloudy and they can't figure out why. For weeks the new pool guy has been saying he isn't getting any chemical readings. He uses test strips. The pool gets cloudy every...