RIP Aquabot Pool Rover Jr & PAXCESS Cordless


There are so many cordless vacs now, WOW!

I'm deciding between the E10 ($499) / Nautilus CC ($599 new) / EVO 502 ($price unclear, everywhere it looks like it's about $600-700 but has it for $499.99). At first I had the E10 in my Amazon cart, but realized it wasn't prime. If it's not prime, I would rather go directly through a supplier to purchase.

The refurbished Nautilus is $499 through poolpartz (thanks @Mdragger88 ! ) they have free shipping and No Tax which at 9.75% is a good chunk of change and is currently leading the race. The E10 is $449 refurbished, so for $50 more I would go for the Nautilus.
Check marina for the evo & possibly the others. It has a 2 yr warranty I believe.
They are generally lower than their online prices when you call. Their current list price is $499. They also do free shipping.
When you call its just like you walked into a brick & mortar store. They have good service & many here have used them. Their dolphins ship directly to you from the manufacturer. Not sure if the evo’s do as well.
Best time to call is first thing in the morning. 10am Colorado time before they get too busy.

When I purchased my refurb from poolpartz I made sure to use a cc with ext. warranty protection that increases my warranty by an additional year. Just something to consider.
When I purchased my refurb from poolpartz I made sure to use a cc with ext. warranty protection that increases my warranty by an additional year. Just something to consider.
at 47 years old, today I learned about cc extended warranties. I've always heard them mentioned, but never really looked into. Will not think about the amount of times in the past this could have helped me, just going to look forward!
at 47 years old, today I learned
At about 6 years ago old, I learned that those pesky terms and conditions were fluid when they benefitted my CC company, who ceased offering said protection.

There's not much we can do when it happens on the fly but we can confirm it's still active upon purchases at least. (y)
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at 47 years old, today I learned about cc extended warranties. I've always heard them mentioned, but never really looked into. Will not think about the amount of times in the past this could have helped me, just going to look forward!
I’ve pursued mine a couple of times - both were approved but I decided not to use it once.
The time I did it went great. Got a new laptop in a couple days.
My experience was with visa signature. There are many cc benefits people never use or even realize they have. I have the book downloaded lol 😂
It also pays to be a good record keeper.
You gotta have the receipts 🧾
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It also pays to be a good record keeper.
You gotta have the receipts 🧾
Luckily I'm a little psycho in this regard :p Want to know how much I spent on my 2 week trip to Belize last month? I got a very detailed breakdown ready for you! I'm not going to look up how much I spent on the pool in 2023, but if I had to, I could. I spent $62.95 on toilet paper last year.
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