Adding CYA to pool for first time


Gold Supporter
Apr 30, 2024
Oxford, MS
I began adding CYA to a new pool yesterday. Put about 2.5 lbs in a stocking and placed in a skimmer. o-ACE-sis brand from Ace Hardware. After 12 hrs, minimal decrease in size of the blob. I took it out and suspended the stocking in front of a return. I've milked the stocking throughout the day today, but still have about 1/3 mass still in the stocking. I see where some have said to pour into the skimmer return. Guess I could do that, and assume it will end up in the filter and eventually be returned in solution to the pool. The directions on the container indicated that one could simply broadcast over the deep end. I anticipate having to add more. Is there a better way, or should I expect 2-3 days' hanging the sock? How do most add?
Seems odd that it hasn’t dissolved but it could happen. I usually hang in front of a return and squeeze intermittently and within about 30 minutes it’s dissolved. I then brush around the pool and turn on my robot for the final touch. This method has worked well for me.
I don’t recommend adding anything directly to the skimmer, but depends on your own comfort.
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What is your water temp? Cya takes a long time to dissolve in cold water. I throw mine in the skimmer and leave it until it's dissolved.
Guess I could do that, and assume it will end up in the filter and eventually be returned in solution to the pool. The directions on the container indicated that one could simply broadcast over the deep end. I anticipate having to add more. Is there a better way, or should I expect 2-3 days' hanging the sock? How do most add?
Put it in a sock in the skimmer, or hang in front of a return is our recommendation.

DO NOT pour down the skimmer, and do not broadcast into the pool. It is not a better method to dissolve, and can cause other issues...
Interesting. I have taken care of my pool since it was built in 2007. I always pour the granular cyanuric acid right into the skimmer. It gradually gets sucked into the filter, and it takes about a week for the number to stabilize. It has not caused any problem that way. Why do you say not to dump it into the skimmer?
Pouring granular CYA into the pool directly, or into the skimmer as recommended on stabilizer bottles, is not recommended as it takes a long time to dissolve and the granules can sit against the pool surface creating locally low pH levels.

Interesting. I have taken care of my pool since it was built in 2007. I always pour the granular cyanuric acid right into the skimmer. It gradually gets sucked into the filter, and it takes about a week for the number to stabilize. It has not caused any problem that way. Why do you say not to dump it into the skimmer?

In practice, there is no reason not to do this. Only caveat is not to backwash or clean your filter cartridges until the CYA has fully dissolved.
Well the initial CYA is finally about in. Checked today.. CYA was 35-40. Prob will change overnight if I'm understanding. Added Calcium 10# this am. Initial CH has been around 150 and has held steady. How long after sprinkling 10 lbs Calcium should I wait before assuming CH test is stable? I took a reading about 3 hrs after adding the initial 10 lbs. CH up from baseline of 150 to 225. Thinking another 10-15 lbs should do it, assuming CH test just done is stable. CSI improved from -.43 to +.35.

This am early:
FC. 4.0
pH 7.6
TA 70
CH 150
CYA 35

After CA this AM:
CA 225

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