Opening my pool and want to do it real nice this time

You are focusing too much on pucks & powders. What they were trying to say I think is that the problems didn't surface because you were blindly "shocking" weekly but in between those doses there is a high probability your water was unsanitary. Not all yuckies can & will be visible which is why here the method is to be properly sanitized at ALL times as well as protecting people, pool, and equipment.
I hope you see this first thing this morning!
Just Breathe 🧘‍♂️!
You are overwhelmed/overthinking things because you’re currently flying blind & the unknown is scary!
That will change the minute you have your kit in your hand & can test all the values.
There’s almost nothing you can do to the pool to screw things up that can’t be fixed.
Some of the remedies can be unpleasant but most things are fixable. Even if that means a little more water exchange.
No biggie.
P.S. - I am a gentlewoman 💁‍♀️lol 😂
Just a mom from Eudora, Ms. If I can do it you can do it 👍🏻
Post your results when you get them & we’ll go from there.
HELLO ALL-as you know I am having my pool refilled as I am working. When I get home I am going to add 64 oz of liquid chlorine-- my new question is-- 1)should I test with strips BEFORE adding it and then later on (how much after) test again to get an idea?
And lastly-- I would like to start putting my solar cover on- to keep the heat in-- today it is finally nice and warm-- But if put the liquid chlorine in- doesn't chlorine hurt the solar cover? Any advice here guys- as you know I usually add the chlorine at night with the filter on overnight- but that is when I want to put the solar cover on? What to do??
But if put the liquid chlorine in- doesn't chlorine hurt the solar cover?
Any advice here guys- as you know I usually add the chlorine at night with the filter on overnight- but that is when I want to put the solar cover on?
Do your regular 1/2 gallon dose tonight and put the cover on. Tomorrow night, go with 1/4 gallon because the cover will likely cut your FC loss in half.

You can play with the test strips but they are designed for the low FC of the industry standard so they likely won't tell you much. *if* they were reliable in the first place.

We're almost to test kit time. Hang in there. :)
yes sir should be real soon--- and I get home from work at about 5:30 the sun will still be shining brightly- should I wait till sundown(evening or later like 9 PM) to put the chlorine in or can I put it in as soon as I get home.
I ask this because regardless of when I put the chlorine in- I really want to turn on the filter as soon as possible since the pool is filled and is sitting in hotness now-- I want to get things moving if you know what I mean. And then either add the chlorine at 6PM with the filter on OR add the chlorine at 9Pmand still have the filter on and then put the cover on until tomorrow morning.
should I wait till sundown(evening or later like 9 PM) to put the chlorine in or can I put it in as soon as I get home.
Either works. You're technically still losing FC so long as it's light out, but the late afternoon / evening burnoff is real low compared to mid day.

Do whichever way makes you feel better. The key is that you should have enough leftover FC in there that you're still above minimum. If you made it through the day ok, the difference between 6pm and 9pm is peanuts.

The pool really only needs to mix once a day for 30 mins or so. Twice a day is above and beyond but certainly isn't going to hurt.
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Throw away the test strips. They are really telling you nothing.

editing to add why I say that. You seem to be taking action based on what the test strips are telling you (e.g., you drained some more). If you want to use the test strips until the test kit arrives for curiosity sake and to lessen your anxiety, go for it. But don’t take any action based on them.

Once the test kit arrives, throw the strips away. Don’t try to match the results of the strips to the test kit. They won’t match. They may be very, very far apart in results. Just giving you that heads up so that you don’t wonder why they don’t match and which one is right. The test kit is right.
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I know u r going to say do not panic-- but just got home and shocked the pool with a little more than 1/2 gallon but the pool has a slight green hue to it( I am scared now)-- I have not seen this color for literally years-- will this correct itself after the chlorine sets in later tonight and tomorrow-- compare these pics with my earlier pics and see the color difference in the water? I also brushed the floors and sides and am now letting the robot do a little more-- I have to go out for a bit- but will check any and all replies later. Fingers crossed that my clearer bluish hue comes back?)IMG_6131[1].JPGIMG_E6130[1].JPG
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comparison pics now and before The first one is today the other 3 are after opening the pool and filling it originally and shocking it the first time. Please tell me that the chlorine I just added will work magic and make it bluer or clearer than what it looks like now- from eyesight and being in front of it--definitely has a greenish hue now.IMG_E6132[1].JPGIMG_E6107[1].JPGIMG_6107[1].JPGIMG_6131[2].JPG
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If I cannot get the green hue out-- can I use the POWERSHOCK- that blue bag that has CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE-which means it has NO stabilizer-- maybe that might clear up the pool to where it always was-- Not the GREENOUT product but this chemical- it is like a nonstabilized tab but in a powder form. I need to et my pool bluish again. I will check the color in the morning and see if the liquid chlorine did anything.
Just to show that ppl are here, I'll just say that I don't know why. I forget, did any of your pool store tests indicate that you have metals in your water? (I think I remember that you have gone to a Pool Store for testing at least once.)
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Bjut let me ask you this- after opening the pool- after a full winter- the pool looked clear and like the color of my liner(blue)- all I did was drain 12" and refill it again JUST like I did 3 days ago upon opening when after the winter season- the volume of the pool also dropped and I had to add new water- so why did this time the addition of the water changed the color- it was the same FILTERED hose and same water - if it did NOT change the color the first time why would it change this time? I think my questions seem feasible-- it is nighttime and I just covered my pool with a solar cover- and will remove it early AM before going to work- hopefully, the color will have changed after the addition of the chlorine. because as mentioned above- my water was bluish BEFORE adding the chlorine upon opening(NOT AFTER) and the addition of my first 64 oz of chlorine before the draining did NOT change the color of the water. ( as your link sentence says- turned green AFTER adding chlorine- NO my first opening dose did NOT turn the water green and this time all I did was add new water like mentioned above to replace what I drained - that is what turned the water green(not the addition of chlorine)
Just refilled pool and Water turned green after adding chlorine
Try this.

Honestly, what happened 3 yrs ago is unknown. Virtually 100% certain that your pool chemistry was different then than it is now. We are not going to be able to tell you why things are reacting differently now. CYA is virtually 100% certainly different now. Same for Chlorine, Calcium, TA, pH, maybe metals, etc. All we can do is tell you why you're seeing what your seeing now, when we have test kit results. Please erase the past from the equation. I understand your questions about the past, but we aren't going to be able to answer them. Focus on the present.

Edit: Just reread your post and you talked about 3 days ago, not 3 years. BUT, principle holds. Things are different today than they were 3 days ago.

I'm going to be unavailable for at least a day. Lots of ppl will chime in when you get your test kit.
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Hey guys I had to go out for the evening- and I was sure I would get some reply to my above pictures and problem - but I have not-- ??
Sorry Monte, I was out too. Likely everybody else too. This time of year things get busy in the real world.

Is the water crystal clear but tinted ? It looks so from the pic to me.
hard to tell- not CRYSTAL- clear- maybe a slight bit cloudy- very hard to tell. When I get up tomorrow morning at 530 to remove the solar cover and then get ready for work- I will no more about the color- will be in touch. But yes the water was as you say- tinted- on the aqua side-Not as blue- since my liner is blue- it usually looks nice and blue the water- but now I can see the difference between the area where the water ends and the water in the pool- a different shade if you will. I received the test kit today- Not sure where to begin- I need to read up on it I guess- so many things in there- don't want to do anything quickly without knowing what I am doing first? very confused and frustrated at this point. Wish I had someone in person to do this with me the first time and walk me thru it. I will try to read it tomorrow evening- but my wife made dinner plans- so it may not be until Saturday AM that I get a chance to start the test kit.:(:cry:
so many things in there- don't want to do anything quickly without knowing what I am doing first?
Just get the instruction card and pick 1 test. Get the bottles you need ready per the instructions. You don't even need to know what they are. Just organize the 0870, 0871 and 0003 and then proceed how it tells you.
so it may not be until Saturday AM that I get a chance to start the test kit
You've been flying blind for how long ? 2 days isn't going to change much.

But we do really need an accurate CYA test to know for certain where your FC should be.
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