Looking for a hydrotherapy "impact jet" for pool side


Active member
Aug 17, 2022
Greensboro, NC
Hi All,

I am trying to find a source for an impact jet that my wife wants me to run down. We are going to be getting started on a pool build soon so I am trying to make sure I hit any "wants" now even if they just end up as empty pipe/conduit down the road.

My wife went to a spa hydrotherapy session (I was dragged along as well) and it was interesting to see the large diameter stainless or aluminum crane neck jets. They were really functional, did their job of massaging etc. I am looking to potentially mount one or two deckside of the pool but cannot find a source for them basically anywhere. I have seen something like it on Alibaba but don't think I want to deal with that.


This is an example of what we saw and used, some are flat mouth some are circular, etc. Has anyone seen or dealt with these?
I think there is a very good reason those are in the middle of that pool. I would expect splash back to be quite significant and if they are installed at the edge of the pool, a lot of water will be exiting the pool. Not nearly as big of a problem with underwater jets.
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