Second Visible Algae Event in 3 months

Sorry that me and my big mouth screwed up your known system Orion. :ROFLMAO:

Once you get used to the new parameters, There are just too many benefits of running 24/7.

Like only having to adjust SWG%. And not runtime *and* %.
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Sorry that me and my big mouth screwed up your known system Orion. :ROFLMAO:

Once you get used to the new parameters, There are just too many benefits of running 24/7.

Like only having to adjust SWG%. And not runtime *and* %.
Well something was off with my old system. I had two algae blooms last year so I knew I clearly wasn’t doing something right. This also simplifies things a bit more, which I like. My pool is probably harder to maintain then most as it’s partially shaded all day and gets lots of pine needles in it. This makes more sense for me to do as I’m constantly getting organics in the pool, I can see the need in this case to have the pool chlorinated constantly.
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I bet the shade they make is nice though.
Yes it is. Also my yard feels like it’s in the woods and I have a lot of wildlife that comes and goes on the other side of my fence that’s nice to watch. My yard has a lot of birds, including a mated pair of red tail hawks and a mated pair of red shoulder hawks. The red shoulder hawks circle above pretty much all day everyday.
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So I set the salt cell to run for 24 hours yesterday evening to produce 1ppm over that timespan. Previously running the cell for 8 hours a day, setting it to produce 1ppm, I was maintaining at 5ppm. I was kind of expecting a bit of a loss after doing so and I was correct. My FC levels this evening came in at 4.5ppm. I know it’s not that critical to hit an exact number, but that is what I am trying to do, just to gain a better understanding of how this all behaves under different circumstances. This evening, I set the salt cell to generate 1.50ppm, with the goal of simply maintaining 4.5ppm over the course of 24 hours. My CYA is currently 60. Am I correct to assume that this setting will maintain that level, or will an increase of CYA to 70 be necessary to active that? The weather conditions over the last several days have been relatively consistent.
Well my chlorine maintained 4.5 exactly when I measured it just now. I think I’m starting to get this figured out, not difficult at all, just basic math. Now to up the CYA to 70 and experiment at that CYA level.
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So once it is all dialed in (or hopefully already). You go a few weeks spot on and one day notice a small loss that repeats. You will bump up a setting on the % and that will hold for a few weeks. Like I said mine was 4-6 but as the saying goes, your mileage may vary. Anywho it was a couple of up adds until the mid point of the season and then they were all downs for the back half. 2 or 3 each direction.

When you first adjust up, you may go too hot at times before the sun/UV catches up to the adjustment. Shut the unit off if the FC gets too high. I didn’t even bother until 15. It was always high and just a question of how high. An 11 ? 13 ? 15? Whooooooa Nelly slow down girl.
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So once it is all dialed in (or hopefully already). You go a few weeks spot on and one day notice a small loss that repeats. You will bump up a setting on the % and that will hold for a few weeks. Like I said mine was 4-6 but as the saying goes, your mileage may vary. Anywho it was a couple of up adds until the mid point of the season and then they were all downs for the back half. 2 or 3 each direction.

When you first adjust up, you may go too hot at times before the sun/UV catches up to the adjustment. Shut the unit off if the FC gets too high. I didn’t even bother until 15. It was always high and just a question of how high. An 11 ? 13 ? 15? Whooooooa Nelly slow down girl.
Will do! I figure after a season or two I’ll get to the point where I just know what the pool needs and when it needs it.
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