Need inputs on Geometric pool design in Katy,TX

Just came across your thread. What part of Katy are you in? I’m also in Katy, south of 10 and east of 99. Have you signed with your builder as yet? Before you sign, definitely ask how many builds are ahead of you and if they all their workers are in house or if each job is subbed out. That can add a lot of time to your build. Also if they can dig soon, then how long before they can get gunite or shotcrete in. With all the rain that has been falling, you wouldn’t want a dirt hole in your yard with cave ins with every rain fall. Prices have definitely gone up from last year. All the best with your build. I’m finishing up a build in Katy myself.
I'm on the Pin oak Rd (Grayson). Appreciate the inputs on the build process. We are still negotiating the design and specs. If we agree, expect to start sometime in July. Do share some pics of your pool!!
With regard to the pool equipment being proposed, it appears to be all Hayward.
As with the other offer, drop the inline chlorinator and UV system and request a SWCG. So much better for the long-term.

This PB states you will have 11 in-floor returns which indicates it is a in-floor cleaning system. The 11 returns will be separated into groups so each group is controlled by the in-floor controller. You can search the forum and see there are many pros and cons to this. If you wish to have it, then also ensure they put in some standard wall returns to the pool and have a bypass on the in-floor cleaning system. You always want to be able to circulate and if you have an issue with the in-floor system then you want to bypass it to continue to circulate. Same reason you have 2 skimmers and a main drain - there is always some way to have suction.

It is good that you have a separate pump for the water features. That way those can be controlled regardless of which mode you are in - Pool or Spa.
I also see they will put in a heater bypass. That is good as well - it is just plumbing but best to do it on the original set up.
Also request that the skimmers have independent lines run back to the equipment pad.
You may want to request the pad to be extra large (if you have the space) so you can space out the equipment for easier maintenance and also put a light over your equipment pad.
Thankyou for the inputs. The PB claims that the 11 in floor returns are a circulation system not a cleaning system. They do have an option to upgrade to in-floor cleaning. The argument they made is that my property does not have lot of trees around that requires as much cleaning, the circulation system should work fine. If not satisfied, I can always get a robot vac.

I'm also struggling to understand the need for UV system. My argument was that Houston shouldn't need one. PB says that its useful in the winter months and helps take care of any additional microbes. I did the feedback from this site to request a separate pump and heater bypass. They are providing a light over equipment pad. Will request extra large pad. Thanks again.

Regarding the other
I received some additional inputs from PB on the returns & skimmers. Appreciate thoughts on 3 way valve

The circulation system with the 11 returns in the floor replace the surface returns, You have no surface returns, Just the skimmers. The skimmers and the main drains are run on separate lines and thus can be adjusted for flow variance with a 3 way valve if preferred (although normal circulation you will almost always run them pulling equally - 50% from the skimmers, 50% from the main drain).

Skimmers are normally run on a separate line but are tied together on that line. Thus normally, the main drain skimmer run in the deep end pulls more than the shallow end skimmer as it is closer to the equipment set. If you wanted dedicated lines run for each skimmer, this would add $500 and then it would also add another 3 way valve to the equation
I'm on the Pin oak Rd (Grayson). Appreciate the inputs on the build process. We are still negotiating the design and specs. If we agree, expect to start sometime in July. Do share some pics of your pool!!


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'm also struggling to understand the need for UV system. My argument was that Houston shouldn't need one. PB says that its useful in the winter months and helps take care of any additional microbes. I
The sun is the UV system in Houston and the need for a separate UV system is all marketing. My pool did quite well with just basic liquid chlorine all winter. In fact, a UV system requires chlorine as well so ask the PB why. That is rhetorical. Please read
Skimmers are normally run on a separate line but are tied together on that line. Thus normally, the main drain skimmer run in the deep end pulls more than the shallow end skimmer as it is closer to the equipment set. If you wanted dedicated lines run for each skimmer, this would add $500 and then it would also add another 3 way valve to the equation
Here the PB is telling you the truth however, I am not sure it is $500 but it is a cost factor of how far the dedicated plumbing is for that second skimmer. It is a small price to pay for convenience of managing your pool skimming performance. I would ask for the dedicated line for each skimmer back to the equipment pad. Actually I would place a 2 way valve on each line so you have dependent control of each. So you will have 3 lines coming into the pump suction from the pool side. 2 will be skimmers and 1 will be the main drain. Additionally you would have an automated 3 way valve that separates the pool suction from the spa suction. The only spa suction would be the spa drain line.

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Here the PB is telling you the truth however, I am not sure it is $500 but it is a cost factor of how far the dedicated plumbing is for that second skimmer. It is a small price to pay for convenience of managing your pool skimming performance. I would ask for the dedicated line for each skimmer back to the equipment pad. Actually I would place a 2 way valve on each line so you have dependent control of each. So you will have 3 lines coming into the pump suction from the pool side. 2 will be skimmers and 1 will be the main drain. Additionally you would have an automated 3 way valve that separates the pool suction from the spa suction. The only spa suction would be the spa drain line.
thank you HermanTX
The circulation system with the 11 returns in the floor replace the surface returns, You have no surface returns, Just the skimmers.
So basically they will just push debris around hopefully towards the main drain because that is the only suction on the bottom of the pool. I am not against floor returns but it seems that you should have some wall returns - these are about 18 inches below the water line and push horizontally across the pool. They help with circulating surface debris to the skimmers. Did the PB state if these 11 floor returns all function at once or does he group them such that some are active and others are not and they rotate as to which are active? Maybe you should just request to have 4 wall returns and still have the floor returns. I have not heard of just having that many floor returns without it being a cleaning system. Some have had floor returns (also called deep returns) to circulate colder water out, but this is just 1 or 2 - not eleven. Be interesting to learn more about this from the PB feedback.
Uncertain if your floor system is similar to ours...we have these little heads that pop up out of the floor and push water for a few minutes and then drop back down. If your system is like that, one thing to consider is if you ever have bad weather that could dump stuff into the bottom of your pool.

We have hurricanes in my area. After Sally, we did not use our floor system until we'd netted out all of the debris. We were able to run the returns on the walls to keep water moving (after the power came back on). If you ever had a situation like that, you might need some sort of pump you could drop in the pool to circulate water until you could get the debris out (based on the current design).
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The PB provided additional detail on the Circulation system. The recommendation was to keep the circulation system and add an option for cleaner. Appreciate any thoughts.

We call the in-floor circulation system the QuikCirc.

All the parts are from A&A Manufacturing out of Phoenix and lifetime warranty on all the parts.
The full blown upgraded G4V In Floor cleaning system is the $7000 upgrade option.

Different options for a robotic cleaner:

1) Just stub plumb a line to be able to add a future Polaris cleaner
2) Add the entire Polaris robotic cleaner
3) There is also the Tiger Shark electric cleaner that you could always get later as well. This is a stand-alone cleaner that plugs into an outlet and a low voltage transformer.

But could always get either cleaner down the road should you ever need one as the QuikCirc system will certainly be sufficient for the current space and foliage.
The PB provided additional detail on the Circulation system. The recommendation was to keep the circulation system and add an option for cleaner. Appreciate any thoughts.

We call the in-floor circulation system the QuikCirc.

All the parts are from A&A Manufacturing out of Phoenix and lifetime warranty on all the parts.
The full blown upgraded G4V In Floor cleaning system is the $7000 upgrade option.

Different options for a robotic cleaner:

1) Just stub plumb a line to be able to add a future Polaris cleaner
2) Add the entire Polaris robotic cleaner
3) There is also the Tiger Shark electric cleaner that you could always get later as well. This is a stand-alone cleaner that plugs into an outlet and a low voltage transformer.

But could always get either cleaner down the road should you ever need one as the QuikCirc system will certainly be sufficient for the current space and foliage.
Well it is not easy to find info on this but I did come across a YouTube video.
Also G4V is a Gamma 4 Venturi Power system. It looks similar to the QuikCirc but obviously has some enhancements to cost $7000 more (which are not well defined on the website).
So basically, the QuikCirc pushes debris around the bottom and towards the drain. Just remember that large debris does not go into the bottom drain because all the new drains have to be the Anti-Entrapment Style. These have many very small openings thus large debris is unable to be sucked to the filter therefore, you still need to either 1) pick it up with a net 2) use a manual vacuum or 3) use a automatic cleaner (robot, pressure side or suction side cleaner). That is the purpose of the PB giving you those options.

It would be interesting to know how much the QuikCirc system costs compared to just regular wall return outlets - usually a pool has 3-5 of those spaced around the pool. The QuikCirc system is interesting (at least the marketing and video info is) but does it really do the things it states and for what price are you paying for that over just regular wall returns.
Also, you need to consider the future service requirements. Wall returns are very straightforward and you can buy those return eyeballs at any pool store. How much service will you need to do on the QuikCirc (even with a lifetime warranty)
Also G4V is a Gamma 4 Venturi Power system. It looks similar to the QuikCirc but obviously has some enhancements to cost $7000 more (which are not well defined on the website).
So basically, the QuikCirc pushes debris around the bottom and towards the drain. Just remember that large debris does not go into the bottom drain because all the new drains have to be the Anti-Entrapment Style. These have many very small openings thus large debris is unable to be sucked to the filter therefore, you still need to either 1) pick it up with a net 2) use a manual vacuum or 3) use a automatic cleaner (robot, pressure side or suction side cleaner). That is the purpose of the PB giving you those options.
@HermanTX - If they are installing the full blown IFCS, it should get a channel drain. A&A calls theirs the AVSC drain. That is what they used on mine. It has a 1/2" or 3/4" wide slot all the way around it to ensure that the larger debris gets picked up. Acorns, earthworms, leaves, no problems at all.

Any kind of in floor system should also have surface returns and the in floor system should be plumbed so that you can bypass the in floor and only run the surface returns. That of course, is a matter of opinion, but I replumbed my IFCS so that I can shut it off when I don't want it running. Allows me to run my VS pump at a much lower rpm and continue to make chlorine with the SWCG.

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If they are installing the full blown IFCS, it should get a channel drain. A&A calls theirs the AVSC drain.
I think that is the point of discussion. The PB is stating it is a circulation system - and "The full blown upgraded G4V In Floor cleaning system is the $7000 upgrade option." So we were just trying to assist with what is a QuikCiru system and what do you get with it - info on the web is not very descriptive.
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Well it is not easy to find info on this but I did come across a YouTube video.
Also G4V is a Gamma 4 Venturi Power system. It looks similar to the QuikCirc but obviously has some enhancements to cost $7000 more (which are not well defined on the website).
So basically, the QuikCirc pushes debris around the bottom and towards the drain. Just remember that large debris does not go into the bottom drain because all the new drains have to be the Anti-Entrapment Style. These have many very small openings thus large debris is unable to be sucked to the filter therefore, you still need to either 1) pick it up with a net 2) use a manual vacuum or 3) use a automatic cleaner (robot, pressure side or suction side cleaner). That is the purpose of the PB giving you those options.

It would be interesting to know how much the QuikCirc system costs compared to just regular wall return outlets - usually a pool has 3-5 of those spaced around the pool. The QuikCirc system is interesting (at least the marketing and video info is) but does it really do the things it states and for what price are you paying for that over just regular wall returns.
Also, you need to consider the future service requirements. Wall returns are very straightforward and you can buy those return eyeballs at any pool store. How much service will you need to do on the QuikCirc (even with a lifetime warranty)Thank
@HermanTX - If they are installing the full blown IFCS, it should get a channel drain. A&A calls theirs the AVSC drain. That is what they used on mine. It has a 1/2" or 3/4" wide slot all the way around it to ensure that the larger debris gets picked up. Acorns, earthworms, leaves, no problems at all.

Any kind of in floor system should also have surface returns and the in floor system should be plumbed so that you can bypass the in floor and only run the surface returns. That of course, is a matter of opinion, but I replumbed my IFCS so that I can shut it off when I don't want it running. Allows me to run my VS pump at a much lower rpm and continue to make chlorine with the SWCG.

Well it is not easy to find info on this but I did come across a YouTube video.
Also G4V is a Gamma 4 Venturi Power system. It looks similar to the QuikCirc but obviously has some enhancements to cost $7000 more (which are not well defined on the website).
So basically, the QuikCirc pushes debris around the bottom and towards the drain. Just remember that large debris does not go into the bottom drain because all the new drains have to be the Anti-Entrapment Style. These have many very small openings thus large debris is unable to be sucked to the filter therefore, you still need to either 1) pick it up with a net 2) use a manual vacuum or 3) use a automatic cleaner (robot, pressure side or suction side cleaner). That is the purpose of the PB giving you those options.

It would be interesting to know how much the QuikCirc system costs compared to just regular wall return outlets - usually a pool has 3-5 of those spaced around the pool. The QuikCirc system is interesting (at least the marketing and video info is) but does it really do the things it states and for what price are you paying for that over just regular wall returns.
Also, you need to consider the future service requirements. Wall returns are very straightforward and you can buy those return eyeballs at any pool store. How much service will you need to do on the QuikCirc (even with a lifetime warranty)
Thanks HermanTX & Turbo1Ton. Will reach out to PB ask for regular wall returns against this pricing.

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