Iowa Vinyl Pool

We're putting the keypad for the autocover & light switches for the pool next to our sliding glass door so now they are digging for that. The deck jets (at least the heads) are installed! Looks like they are working on the autocover too. E160AC9B-FC1F-40D5-8EFE-6EFEA78E1273.jpeg
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Talked with the PB and they really don't want to put the liner in until the pavers are done... hopefully by the end of May? Might be wishful thinking...
I think it’s bloody AWESOME that you’ll always have such a detailed step by step account of your build here. Even if they never got lost in the cell carrier cloud, they wouldn’t have descriptions to remember what was what 10 years from now. Keep them pics comin !!
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Are you looking forward to the landscaping pics? May 10th he starts. And that poor guy has a LOT to do. Even though we are paying him some hefty coin, it will be hot & buggy.
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And poof the door is gone. Some bricks on the wall to the left of the door have concrete all over it. He might come back and replace those bricks later this summer. 20B4871E-3D6C-483A-9594-845D9CD48D22.jpeg
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Pool guy is here. He placed stand ins for the hand rails and volleyball net. He met with the electrician as well.

I google earthed the house I grew up in to see if the pool was still there. I was going to share a pic but even with the screen shot method the pic size was too big to share so bummer there.

Here's how our pool progress is going...E7FCC199-CCB3-446C-AE1B-055D17547558.jpeg
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My husband's mother & stepdad stopped by tonight. They had renovated our house & added on to it. They had some last minute suggestions about the bathroom location. They are trying to save us money and to hit the sewer line right now for the cabana would mean trenching halfway around the house. So instead we are going to remodel our laundry room. We love it right now so I'm struggling with making changes but it would save us money...
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Can you keep the laundry room and add the bathroom? That would keep wet towels in one specific space AND save you a lot of green!
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That's what we are doing as well...adding on to our laundry room which is right off the garage. As much as I would love a close cabana bathroom, holy cash.😱
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