Hello I am 54 years old, I know how the chemistry works in the pool , I tired to go to

I can say from personal experience that taking over the pool myself and doing all the maintenance myself takes less time per week than just traveling to the pool store would. The test results I get myself are more accurate. The chemicals I use cost less. And the pool is in much better condition. If you want to do less and have a nicer pool, you've come to the right place. Welcome to TFP!

My name is Dirk, I'm older than you are, and I approve of this message! ;)
I'm 63 and love taking care of my pool! With the help of TFP my pool is cleaner and clearer for waaay less money than when I had my old pool and was being pool stored to death! Get a TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C test kit and jump right on in -- the water is perfect!
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Hello I am 54 years old , I know how the chemistry works in the pool , I tire to go the pool store for the water test or go to ask something about the pool
Welcome! Glad you found us. This is a wonderful site with friendly, knowledgeable, admins, moderators, and members. I've learned a lot in the short time I've been here and saved a bunch of money too.