Do I need to plumb a valve when using cartridge filter?


Jun 5, 2019
Putting in a Hayward c3025 clean & clear cartridge filter into the following system. Can I just pipe straight from skimmer to pump to filter to return with no multi or push valve since you don’t have to backwash the filter?


Was wanting to simplify this mess and use 2” pvc. To link to the copper was going to use this. 106019Also I don’t know why the copper splits into two pipes. There are two returns and also looks like there used to be whiplines that we’re buried under the old plaster. Should I cut the copper and abandoned one of the lines assuming one of them was for the whiplines? Just seems like that junction in the copper would increase head pressure quite a bit.

This is the new filter, got it for $80! 106018
Yes, you can leave out the push/pull valve. You may want to add a T with a valve between the pump and filter to give you the option to vacuum to waste or use the pump to drain water from the pool before it hits the filter.
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