Muddy pool SLAM cleanup


Gold Supporter
Sep 4, 2017
Temecula, CA
Southern California had a lot of rain this year and a few weeks ago our bank had way too much overnight and mud ran down our slide steps and into the pool. We woke up to a very brown pool. We never had this problem the year before so looks like it’s only an issue with large amounts of rain. We have now purchased a $20 water activated sandbag flood barrier to put outside each year to prevent mud from entering the pool now that we’re aware of the vulnerable areas. Wish the concrete guys had put a drain right below the stairs.

Want to come on the forum to say THANK YOU to TFP for the great SLAM information. Your methods really do work. We have used your methods since pool start up and now for this pool mud ordeal. It took 19 days to get there and a lot of chorine, filter cleaning, brushing, vacuuming and chemical testing And 24/7 filter running but we’re finally done. Passed the OCLT and CC is at zero. Will have to add more salt and CYA before starting up the SWCG again but otherwise levels are balanced again. Yay.
Gorgeous and great work! Mud to blue in 19days, that speaks a lot to all of your diligence!
Yes, my husband has worked on the pool for hours each day. He had to clean the filters multiple times a day during the first few days they were that bad. He would get home from work and head straight to the pool. On weekends he would be out there for hours too. It has been quite the process but we don’t fancy the idea of letting things grow in our pool water. Yuck. ;) Glad the SLAM methods worked and my husband can go back to our normal pool maintenance schedule.
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Nice job!

Unfortunately I’ve been there too. Here is a picture of mine a few years ago when we first bought our house and was doing some landscaping/realizing done in our backyard. Only took one torrential rainstorm before the pool turned into a clay pond. I think it took us a month of running the pump 24/7 before we clay got out of the pool. We had to replace the sand in our filter because so much clay got in it that it kept pumping clay back in the pool whenever the pump would start. 44857C70-18C5-4075-882E-E0DF70660FB2.jpeg
Nice job!

Unfortunately I’ve been there too. Here is a picture of mine a few years ago when we first bought our house and was doing some landscaping/realizing done in our backyard. Only took one torrential rainstorm before the pool turned into a clay pond. I think it took us a month of running the pump 24/7 before we clay got out of the pool. We had to replace the sand in our filter because so much clay got in it that it kept pumping clay back in the pool whenever the pump would start. View attachment 94369
Oh no!! I’m glad we didn’t have landscape mess to deal with on top of the pool cleanup. :( This looks like it was a lot of work to recover from - pool and lanscape.
I would go into cardiac arrest...the rain in San Diego has been insane - has to run all the test almost every third day to fix the imbalance from all the rain.

Yes, it won’t stop raining. Escondido area seems to get even more than us in Temecula. My husband drives to Rancho Bernardo area to work and always comments that it rains more and harder in Escondido area.

We went through so much testing reagents and chlorine the past few weeks. Never had to test and adjust our levels this frequently before - this rain is definitely a pain. We’re a state that’s not used to real weather. To other states this is still mild weather. I couldn’t hack it in other states with large amounts of rain and/or snow. ?
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