Green tint after SLAM

Good afternoon all,

A little bit of a mystery -- our pool has suddenly acquired a light green tint and we're not sure why. I've attached a picture. The pool liner is white and blue and has been cleaned; this is not algae on the bottom of the liner. The color is in the water.

Backstory: Earlier this week, my family went on a hike in the creek at the local state park. When they got home, they got in the pool in the same swim clothes. This apparently was too much for the chlorine in the pool and we ended up with the beginnings of algae growth. Since I read this forum so much last season, I knew that I needed to do a SLAM, which I did and completed Friday. The pool chemistry numbers as of this morning (via TF-100):

pH: 7.5
FC: 9
CC: 0
TA: 40
CYA: 30

I don't usually test hardness because I have a vinyl liner. Per Poolmath, I added a pound of baking soda to raise the TA a bit and will re-test later.

So, those numbers look good to me, but the pool water has a bit of a green tint it didn't have before and I'm not sure why. I've read elsewhere that the green tint can be iron, but I"m not sure why it would have just shown up now. And we use city water with a very low level of iron. So that would be surprising.

Any ideas?


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