How do people plug up the skimmer and return to do maintenance?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 12, 2013
Long Island, NY
How do people plug up the skimmer and return to do maintenance on an above ground pool? I have shut offs at the beginning of the pump and end of filter. I wanted to change the position of my hoses. Are there better options than a rag in the skimmer port and a bucket in the pool over the eyeball return? Is there a part sold that would perform this function?
Great thanks. !!! Do you use this to plug your return in the winter? Or do you use the threaded plug and take off the return piece with that slotted Hayward tool

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Yes, I use this plug in my return for winter closing. I take off the eyeball cover & eyeball and insert this into the hole. Been using it for 5 years now. Had a problem the first year, ice built up in the pool and shifted the wingnut causing the plug to fall out. I just insert it a little deeper into the hole and have not had a problem with it since.
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