Recent content by velcrow44

  1. V

    Wny I never get to use two B's of the BBB method

    Wow! Tell that boy he did good. That is some fantastic problem solving!
  2. V

    Thank you TFP

    I second that motion!
  3. V

    Filling a pool procedures

    Careful with the garden hose if you have a well. I burned out my pump trying to fill the pool. It was dying anyway but it ruined my Memorial Day weekend!
  4. V

    Velcrow44 says thanks

    Wow! Thanks to everyone here! I bought a house with an above ground pool last October. I have been lurking and learning since then. This site has been the best fountain of knowledge to prepare me for me pulling of the cover. I just did (remove the cover), and after not being open last summer...