Recent content by Stinkyfish

  1. S

    Summer has arrived.

    Went for the first swim of the season today. Air temp. 96 Water temp. 72. Yea we have smog, traffic and crazy people but I still love L.A. 8)
  2. S

    D.E. Amount by volume

    Thank you waste. Read your link and now I understand. Off to the pool store tomorrow to get a 1lb d.e. scoop.
  3. S

    D.E. Amount by volume

    My Pentair SMBW 4060 Fitler calls for 6.0 pounds by weight of D.E. I do not have a scale to weight the D.E. Can anyone tell me how much in volume that would be.
  4. S

    IntelliChlor SWG Salt Level Reading

    Thanks everyone for your help. I will wait for water temp. to rise before doing anything else. Strannik, I agree w/ you about going metric. So much easier using whole numbers instead fractions.
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    IntelliChlor SWG Salt Level Reading

    I just noticed that there is a forum for SWG's. I guess I should of put my question over there.
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    IntelliChlor SWG Salt Level Reading

    Plates are clean. CYA is 70. Don't know why I left that out? What would be considered optimum temp. for SWG? Thanks everyone.
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    IntelliChlor SWG Salt Level Reading

    I have a IntelliChlor IC20 SWG on my pool that is reading the salt level at being between 2500-2900ppm. My own test using the AquaCheck test strip is reading 3280ppm. I even took a sample to the pool store to get a 2nd test to verify. The owners manual say's "The cell will continue to produce...
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    Lowering CH

    Thank you Richard, you just made my day. I thought this CH thing was going to be a big deal.
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    Lowering CH

    OK, here are the test results after doing a 5000g water change. FC: .5 CC: .5 TC: 1 PH: 7.7 TA: 150 CH: 410 CYA: 50 SALT: 2380 TEMP: 54 degrees I was suprised at the CH reading so I retested the tap water and today it was reading 240. Twice as much as last time I checked. In what order should I...
  10. S

    White Stain at Water Line

    Did your wife like the outcome (after she revived from the shock?? ) She's not complaining so I will take that as a compliment. Nice work! Did you use a sand paper tip or grinding pad or something else? I used a 3M Paint & Rust Stripper. Here's what is left of it:
  11. S

    White Stain at Water Line

    I found the answer for those stuborn stains: Motorized Elbow Grease. You should of seen the look on the wifes face when she came home and saw me in my waders standing in the pool grinding away on HER tile. I finished by cleaning all the tiles w/ biodegradable pool soap. They look great.
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    White Stain at Water Line

    Since I had to remove 42% of the water to get my CH level corrected I figured it would be a good time to remove the water line stain. I started out w/ a 4:1 mixture of muriatic acid and water in a sprayer. It would not remove it. 2:1 NOTHING. 100% NOTHING. I have tried using a brush and a...
  13. S

    Lowering CH

    Never used cal-hypo so I guess the lack of rain and lots of sunshine evaporating the water would be the culprit. If I was to install a small water softener on the fill line would that help?
  14. S

    Lowering CH

    Wow that's a lot of water. I better get to draining. Thanks for the info. By the the way, what would cause CH to be so high. I've only just begun to test it w/ my new TF-100 test kit. Pool is 18 months old if that matters.
  15. S

    Lowering CH

    Tap water tested at 120. Will this change the amount to be changed?