
I am a do-it-yourselfer and have been my entire adult life. I love working outside. I used to work in construction when I was younger but due to a car accident, I had to switch careers. I have been in the tech industry for 23+ years now but still like working outside when I can.

My latest project was a 16x32 in ground, vinyl lined pool with a salt cell and Omnilogic automation along with a 16x24 detached pool house.
Do you currently work in the pool industry?
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16x32 (~18K Gal) IG vinyl, Hayward EcoStar VS pump, Hayward Sand filter, T-15 salt cell, Colorlogic LV light, OmniLogic automation, (4) deck jets all dug and installed by yours truly...which is why I am a member here...I need the help. :)