Recent content by shawnf415

  1. S

    What order should I do this?

    I will heed your advice, thanks guys.
  2. S

    What order should I do this?

    I'll be honest, I'm a lazy pool owner. I dumped it in the skimmer basket. I also tend to dump my bleach as I walk around the pool I just don't have the ability to slowly pour it in front of the jet, when I try I'm usually done within 15 seconds which is much faster than the recommended 1 minute.
  3. S

    What order should I do this?

    Thanks Dave, I'm headed outside (in the dark) now to address 1 & 2.
  4. S

    What order should I do this?

    Sorry, I have a signature line. Just added dimensions, is there anything else I should have?
  5. S

    What order should I do this?

    Oh, I already purchased the granular CYA. I need about 5 lbs so I can't do the sock trick, any suggestions?
  6. S

    What order should I do this?

    water is clear but FC is .4, I'll add a few gallons of bleach and it will be gone by the end of the next day due to low CYA. I've done the overnight test and things look good there.
  7. S

    What order should I do this?

    Okay, used my Taylor K-2006, results: Alkalinity 90 pH 7.5 CYA no reading available (can only read >30 on test) So I thought my chemicals were bad on the CYA, brought a sample of water to pool store and here are the results: CYA 10 Alkalinity 92 Hardness 113 Optimizer 9 So I need to raise my...