Recent content by sgibson2001

  1. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    So I ended up refilling about 6090 gallons. So while visually it felt like I got below the halfway mark, it appears I was closer to only removing about a 1/3 of the pool volume. Retesting the CYA put it just under 100 in the 90-95ish range. Really wanted to get it below 60 but this is just...
  2. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Can't believe I didn't think of that.
  3. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Because I'm a nervous wreck about the pool popping or something happening to the plaster and wet ground puts more pressure on the pool. That said, there is a submersible pump in it as I type this. I'm going to take it to about half full and call it good. I really don't know what my CYA levels...
  4. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    @red-beard Thank you! Awesome post. I'm going to give a submersible a shot and do a half drain down soon after we dry up from this next storm.
  5. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    What level am I 100% safe to drain the pool without any risk of popping or cracking? It's a rainy time of year here so the ground is somewhat soaked but we haven't had any rain this week but we have some coming tonight. I may rent a submersible today and get it drained before the rain and then...
  6. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Thanks. I am going to do another partial drain down and refill this weekend. I did not think about using a submersible pump to speed things up, that's a great idea.
  7. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    I was only able to drain the pool down about 7". After the refill it had almost no affect on CYA levels. I just don't have the time right now to babysit the pool while it's draining for an extended period of time. Anyway, I'm keeping the FC at about 5ppm using liquid chlorine. Pool math says...
  8. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Thanks guys. I appreciate the advice. My current plan is to get the pucks out tonight and top the pool off because it's an inch or two low. Hoping that little bit of water will help. Then I am going to retest FC and CYA tomorrow night and go from there. Maybe add a little liquid chlorine...
  9. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    So I just got some 10% chlorinating liquid. I won't have time to do any drain and refill until this weekend. Either way it should be raining most of this week. Now that I have the stabilizer free liquid chlorine, should I remove all of the pucks in the chlorinator? Until I am able to do...
  10. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Here's a pic of my set up. What is the "cleaner" pipe for? Is that where I introduce chems? Is that also where I should add water? Is there a better or good place to put the hose when adding water?
  11. IMG_0945c.jpeg


  12. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    It's a jandy model #FHPM1.5, 1.5hp, self priming, max lift 10ft. Thank you.
  13. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    Finally got my test kit and tested the water yesterday. Results are pictured. Note that this is the first time I did the testing so I may have some user error. When I tested for CYA it didn't even show on the chart, it was simply way above 100. So I just picked 111 to remind myself that it...
  14. IMG_0961[1].PNG


  15. S

    New to Pools in New Caney TX

    To add to the rest of my dumb questions... I'm trying to figure out pump run time. The previous owners had the timer set to run it 10 hours per day. I have changed it to 8 hours. It appears I have a two speed motor. How do I figure out what speed it is running at? I'm thinking 8-10 hours at...