
I have inground pool built 35 years ago. The pool was replastered last year with pebble touch w/abalone shells, glass beads.
I have taken care of the regular pool maintenance all these years except for repairs, equipment problems. I still feel, I can do a better job and need to learn more about the pool maintenance.
Last year I added solar heating using heliocol panels.
I battle with frequent algae problems and lot of leaves from neighbors' trees. The pool is close to the fence.

Live in Fairfield, Northern California.
Do you currently work in the pool industry?
  1. No
First Name


Hello ! I am From Northern California near Sacramento. I have 30 year old inground L-shaped pool, approximately 25000 gallons.
I got re-plastering done 2 months ago.
Interested in solar pool healing. Had 3 vendors from the area showing Heliocol and FAFCO. Wanted to get more information about pros and cons about the product and cost involved.