Recent content by saraalice82

  1. S

    My first pool

    yeah, shocking is now done and i had a water sample analyzed. my cya was zero so i fixed that and now i need to boost my ta from 40 but i am unsure of how to add the baking soda to my pool.
  2. S

    My first pool

    How do i add the baking soda to my pool? through the filter basket, or just pour it around right in to the pool?
  3. S

    My first pool

    I will be picking up a six way test kit as recommended later today. For now, the water is blue-cloudy and I have had to backwash the filter several times a day since I started; except for it was fine this morning and seems to be needing it less.
  4. S

    My first pool

    We just bought our first house and it came with a pool. Our pool has been open a couple of weeks now and I just finished a 3 day shock session to clear out an algae overgrowth. The pool is no longer green but it is still cloudy. I have a chlorine and pH test kit that came with the pool. The pH...